Lori Sonken on the John Muir Trail.
Editor's note: The National Parks Traveler has operated with only one full-time staffer since its inception, but has a core team of freelance writers, photographers, broadcasters, and sound recording engineers that are relied upon heavily to provide content. They're being introduced to you in a series of short profiles.
Lori Sonken
A contributing writer from Ithaca, New York, Lori spent more than two decades drafting legislation, organizing Congressional hearings, and analyzing policies affecting national parks, endangered species, and water as a staff member on the House Natural Resources Committee and at the Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C. Her background comes in handy when writing for the Traveler. She now lives in Ithaca, where she develops programs for faculty members at Cornell University.
Favorite park or “go to” park: Hard to say. I love Acadia, Cumberland Island, Bryce Canyon, Sequoia/Kings Canyon and many more. Plus, I'm sure there are favorites I have not yet visited.
Favorite outdoor activity in the parks: Backpacking and hiking.
What the National Parks Traveler means to you: I love the breadth of the Traveler. Not only does the publication cover the beauty of the parks and showcase special places to visit, but readers also learn the complexity of park and natural resources management, and gain insights into park politics. No other publication does this.
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