A San Diego man stranded in the snowy backcountry of Great Smoky Mountains National Park was airlifted to safety/TANG via NPS
A San Diego man hiking the Appalachian Trail through Great Smoky Mountains National Park had to be airlifted out of the park after becoming snowbound from a recent storm that dumped more than a foot of snow.
Shortly before 8:30 a.m. local time Tuesday the park's emergency communications center received work that Andrew Burtzloff, 28, had become disoriented and lost in the heavy snow.
According to a park release, the Tennessee Army National Guard conducted an airborne rescue to lift Burtzloff out of the park and fly him to the University of Tennessee Medical Center for treatment.
“The park has a long-standing partnership with these agencies that enables us to work together to complete complex search and rescue operations in extremely hazardous environments such as this,” said Tennessee District Ranger Jared St. Clair. “We are appreciative of their dedication in helping us reach those in need.”
Park staff was able to craft a search-and-rescue plan using location data provided from Burtzloff’s cell phone. "The data indicated that he was well off trail, in a ravine, and deep within the park’s backcountry near Gregory Bald," the park release said. "Burtzloff reported being wet, cold, and had signs and symptoms of hypothermia."
Because it would take park rangers six-eight hours to reach the hiker by hiking to his location, the national guard unit was asked to rescue him.
"At approximately 10 a.m., a medical UH60 Army Blackhawk departed their flight facility at McGhee Tyson Airport and reached the search location approximately 15 minutes later. After a brief search by air, the crew located the stranded hiker in waist deep snow," the park release said. "Unable to land due to trees and terrain, the air crew lowered two medics to the hiker. After receiving initial medical evaluation on the ground, the hiker and two medics were hoisted safely aboard the hovering aircraft. The aircraft then transported the hiker to UTMC for further treatment, arriving there at approximately 11:20 a.m."
Great Smoky had received 12-18 inches of snow at the highest elevations from Friday, January 14, through Monday, January 17. Most park roads were closed due to hazardous conditions, but many park trails remain accessible along the park boundary. Backpackers were cautioned about the inclement weather.
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