Needed repairs to the Cleetwood Trail and marina could close that area of Crater Lake National Park in 2024 and 2025. The photo on the right depicts the failed bulkhead and the temporary dock that was brought in in 2016/NPS file
It's no secret that planning to visit a national park should begin at least six months before your visit, and a year in advance might not be too outlandish. With that timeline in mind, know that boat tours at Crater Lake National Park in Oregon might not run in 2024 or 2025 if needed work to the 1.1-mile-long Cleetwood Trail and marina is approved by the National Park Service.
Countless feet pounding the trail down to the marina, and the need for larger restroom facilities at the marina, have park staff planning four major projects for this popular area of Crater Lake:
- Rockfall scaling and mitigation
- Rehabilitation of the trail
- Removal and replacement of the failed bulkhead/dock with a structurally stable marina
- Replacing the outdated and undersized composting toilets.
According to park staff, "[O]ver the years, the trail has experienced severe tread loss and retaining walls have been undermined. A recent geotechnical study identified rockfall hazard zones along the trail and recommended slope scaling (manually dislodging rocks that could fall) and other protection measures. The marina bulkhead and dock system failed in 2016 due to unstable slopes at the marina, rockfall damage, and high energy waves. This facility needs to be redesigned and replaced. Additionally, the marina restroom at the lakeshore has composting toilets that cannot keep pace with current levels of use."
Construction is anticipated to begin in summer 2024. The project may take two years to complete due to the very short construction season at Crater Lake. It is anticipated that the Cleetwood Cove Trail will be closed during construction due to limited access and rockfall hazards, and boat tours also will be canceled as there is no other way to reach the dock.
Comment on the proposal is being taken now through February 15 at this site.
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