Have you ever considered a visit to Theodore Roosevelt National Park?/NPS
In 2021, the National Park System welcomed roughly 300 million visitors, and about half of that total went to just 25 destinations in the system. To help you avoid crowds this summer and perhaps find some new favorites, the National Parks Traveler on April 12 will debut its monthly webinar series with a look at some of the overlooked jewels in the park system that you might consider for a visit.
Have you ever thought of Cape Lookout National Seashore on the Outer Banks of North Carolina? Though within sight of Cape Hatteras National Seashore to the north across Ocracoke Inlet, Cape Lookout might as well be a world away. While Cape Hatteras drew 3.2 million visitors last year, Cape Lookout counted just 562,461.
Another off-the-well-trod path in the park system is Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota. The landscape at this park, named in honor of the country's 26th president who did so much for conservation, remains largely unchanged from when he explored it in the 1880s, except for a handful of roads that dart here and there. The rutted and tortuous badlands, mottled grayish white, bluff, and blue, present a maze. And yet the river bottoms are alive with cottonwoods, shrubs, and grasses that attract a range of wildlife. Most imposing are ponderous and powerful bison that demand respect and a wide berth.
This hour-long, lively discussion will be hosted by the Traveler's Editor-in-Chief, Kurt Repanshek, who will be joined by Contributing Editor Kim O'Connell and Rene Agredano, who has been a full-time RVer since 2007 and can point to some of the more RV-compatible parks.
The webinar is set for April 12, beginning at 7 p.m. Eastern, 6 p.m. Central, 5 p.m. Mountain, and 4 p.m. Pacific. There is limited room for this event, so register early to avoid missing out.
Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkf-CsrDMoH9DzbM0pk_xMFrTnJP3...
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