Repairs to the Friendship of Salem are slated to begin this fall/NPS file
Repairs to the Friendship of Salem, the flagship of Salem Maritime National Historic Site, that were delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic are scheduled to get underway later this fall.
A contract of roughly $1.3 million has been awarded for the work, which is to be performed at the ship's home berth on Derby Wharf in Salem, Massachusetts. The funds came through the National Park Service’s Recreation Fee Program.
Work to be done includes replacing the deck and significant portions of the transom, bulwarks, and associated framing. While initially planned for 2020, delays in contracting occurred due to the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Currently, the project is anticipated to begin this fall and completed in the winter of 2023.
"We're very excited to get started on this long-awaited and much needed repair project, the first and most integral step to getting Friendship of Salem rigged, sailing and serving the public to the vessel's utmost capacity," said Tanya Banks-Christensen, who recently was hired as the ship's captain and supervisor. "Friendship of Salem will continue to be open for limited visitation through October. Any additional open hours will be determined at a later date and announced on the park website and social media."
The replica tall ship Friendship of Salem was designed with the appearance of an original 1797 Salem-built vessel. The keel was laid in Scarano Shipyard in Albany, New York, in 1996 and uses modern technology and materials to meet today’s safety and accessibility requirements. Friendship of Salem represents New England’s influential role in the development of global and domestic maritime trade and in the economic and political development of the United States.
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