Lying on a beach gazing at stars, spotting the Milky Way during a cruise, or scanning the universe through a powerful telescope is how you can celebrate International Dark Sky Week at Cape Lookout National Seashore in North Carolina.
This year's Crystal Coast Star Party is scheduled for April 21 and 22. For the second year, Crystal Coast Stargazers, Cape Lookout National Seashore, and Core Sound Waterfowl Museum & Heritage Center are co-hosting the star party. The event includes starlight cruises, NASA speakers, public telescope stargazing, and the beautiful dark skies of a certified International Dark Sky Park — Cape Lookout National Seashore!
In addition to the popular starlight cruises, this year there will be speakers each afternoon at 4 p.m. Dr. Anthony Norris from the NASA/JPL Exoplanet Watch Group is to be the event's Friday afternoon speaker. Saturday afternoon’s speaker will be Dr. Dominic Benford, NASA Program Scientist for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope project. The speakers’ presentations will be in the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum Education Hall.
In partnership with Fort Macon State Park, North Carolina SciFest Star Party activities will be offered for kids on Saturday afternoon at 1 p.m. This year’s theme is Celebrating the Night Sky.
All events are free except for the starlight cruises. Starlight cruises are by reservation only. Ferry passengers will disembark from the starlight cruise for a laser-pointed tour of the night sky by a NASA Solar System Ambassador.
For reservations call: (252) 728-7433
Cruise Tickets: Adults: $27/Children (3-11): $17
Starlight cruises are weather dependent. In the event of inclement weather, there will be astronomy programs/presentations indoors.
Whether you’re an astronomer setting up a telescope or simply coming to enjoy the night sky, the park staff requests that all guests register in advance. Visit the website for the complete schedule and to register: https://ccgazers.com/crystal-coast-star-party-2023
Event sponsors include the Carteret County Chamber of Commerce, Crystal Coast Tourism Authority, and Island Express Ferry Service.