Expected flooding will close much of the Yosemite Valley later this week/NPS graphic
Warm weather melting the High Sierra snowpack is expected to lead to flooding of the Yosemite Valley in Yosemite National Park later this week, prompting park officials to close much of the valley beginning Friday night and lasting until May 3, at least. In a social media post, the park reported that the valley floor will close at 10 p.m. Friday.
Additional flooding and closures may occur later in May or June, it added.
Reservations for lodging and campgrounds in eastern Yosemite Valley will automatically be canceled and refunded. Wilderness permits can be rescheduled to alternate trailheads as space allows.
During this closure, Wawona, Mariposa Grove (via hike only), Crane Flat area, Hetch Hetchy, and western Yosemite Valley will be open. In Yosemite Valley, the closure will be at El Capitan crossover (the road that crosses the Merced River just east of El Capitan). There will be no visitor access (including pedestrian access) east of that road. Parking in western Yosemite Valley and throughout the park will be extremely limited. Do not park off road. No services will be available in western Yosemite Valley.
The Big Oak Flat, Arch Rock, Hetch Hetchy, and South Entrances will all remain open. The higher elevation areas of the park such as Tioga Road and Glacier Point Road remain closed due to snow.