Inflation and labor costs greatly pushed up the price tag of a new bridge for Yellowstone National Park/NPS file
The other day came word from Yellowstone National Park that a number of road projects were going forward in the park this summer, and one in particular caught my eye because of the price tag.
The contract for the new Yellowstone River Bridge (photo above) in the northern end of the park was announced at $118 million. Three years ago, in early 2020, the cost was estimated at closer to $50 million.
What happened since then? Material and labor costs.
According to park staff, an official 2021 cost estimate for the replacement bridge was $71.2 million. However, "several factors contributed to the final contracted price being higher than the cost originally estimated as part of the FY2022 President's Budget Request, including changes in the cost and availability of labor, as well as supplies and materials like concrete and steel," the staff reported this week.
Puts that $5 increase in entrance fees at your favorite park into perspective, no? It also helps explain some of the financial problems the National Park Service runs into from time to time.