Construction crews are repairing Lock 36 (Kirkfield Lift Lock) and Parks Canada has announced a plan to start the season/Parks Canada
Parks Canada is advising boaters on the Trent-Severn Waternway National Historic Site that expedited single-chamber lockages will be in place at the Kirkfield Lift Lock site for the beginning of this year’s season.
The site was closed Sept. 2, 2022 due to a mechanical failure but repairs are progressing well. The waterway opened May 19 and is open until Oct. 9.
These single-chamber lockages will operate on demand and are estimated to take 60 minutes. This timing will be finalized upon the final commissioning of a new pump installation. Short delays may also be experienced as vessels are grouped for each transfer. Boaters should remain on their vessels during the transfer and listen to instructions provided by lock staff.
Given the current conditions — and with construction activities expected to continue outside of regular hours of operation — overnight mooring isn’t recommended and boaters are encouraged to moor at adjacent lockstations. If boaters do moor at Kirkfield, they will be placed on the upper reach of the lock but will be able to access the grounds and public washrooms via the south stairs from the upper reach.
For land-based visitors, the public parking lot at the lockstation will be closed until further notice and people must respect any temporary restrictions to the grounds that may be in place for construction.
Updates on the completion of the repairs will be posted on the Lock 36 — Kirkfield Lift Lock web page.