The National Park Service wants to implement a $45 docking fee for both Boca Chita and Elliott keys at Biscayne National Park/NPS file
It will cost you more to dock your boat or camp at Boca Chita and Elliott keys at Biscayne National Park in Florida under a proposal now open for public comment.
Under the plan, there will be a $45 docking fee for both locations beginning in 2024. Currently there is no fee. Additionally, the park is proposing to eliminate the current "camping only" fee (camping without docking a boat), leaving a flat camping fee of $35 per night fee at both locations.
The National Park Service says the fees would be utilized to enhance visitor services and better address common issues, such as trash pick-up and disposal, dock repair, resource damage mitigation and facilities repair and maintenance.
“The proposed fees would enable Biscayne National Park to enhance the overall quality of the visitor experience and management of these remote islands,” said Biscayne acting-Superintendent Randalle Burton. “The public’s feedback on this proposal is important to us and will help inform plans to provide the park experience our visitors seek and deserve.”
Public comment is being taken through October 25. You can comment online at this page.
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