The National Parks Traveler's podcast Sunday explores the threats a proposed data processing center poses for Manassas National Battlefield Park/Kurt Repanshek file
Manassas National Battlefield Park in Virginia protects one of the defining battlefields of the Civil War. It was there that the first battle of the war was waged, in 1861, it was the scene of a second battle a year later, and it was where Confederate General Thomas Jonathan Jackson got his "Stonewall" nickname.
Despite the significance of Manassas, the Prince William County supervisors in December agreed to rezone 2,100 acres adjacent to the battlefield to allow for the world’s largest data processing center to be built there. A lawsuit recently was filed in a bid to stop the development. Among the plaintiffs is the American Battlefield Trust, a non-profit organization that works to protect American battlefields from the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. David Duncan, president of that organization, will explain Sunday on the National Parks Traveler's podcast why the Trust thinks it is wrong to build the data processing center next to Manassas National Battlefield Park.
Find the podcast on the Traveler on Sunday, or wherever you download podcasts.