An upcoming conference will focus on science and management at Rocky Mountain National Park/Kurt Repanshek file
An upcoming conference will focus on research, monitoring, and management at Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.
The Biennial Research Conference sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Conservancy is scheduled for March 6-7 at the Ridgeline Hotel in Estes Park. During the conference, titled Challenges and Collaborations for Changing Landscapes, there will be 27 oral presentations by research partners and park staff, a poster session highlighting 20 research and public engagement activities in the park, a Visitor Use Management Question and Answer Panel with park staff, and a Conversation Café in which members of the public can engage in structured, small-group discussions about moose and vital wetland ecosystems in the park.
Oral presentations are organized into sessions covering related subjects. Sessions will focus on wildfire recovery, cultural resource stewardship, vegetation and forestry science, visitor use management, wildlife challenges, air and water quality monitoring, and wetland ecosystem challenges and stressors. Oral presentations in the wetland ecosystem session will also be available to attend virtually.
Conference events begin at 8 a.m. each day and conclude at 5:30 p.m. on March 6 and 5 p.m. on March 7. For a complete schedule of events, to access the wetland ecosystems session virtually, and other accessibility information, visit this page.
The conference will take place in the Ballroom of the Ridgeline Hotel, located at 101 S Saint Vrain Avenue, Estes Park, CO.
The conference is free to attend and open to all who are interested in attending. No pre-registration is required.