A proposal for camping fee changes is now open for public comment, Blue Ridge Parkway / NPS file
The National Park Service is proposing an increase in camping fees at the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia and North Carolina.
Under the proposal now open for public comment, fee changes include front country and backcountry camping site fees, as well as non-camper user fees for shower and dump-station services. The Parkway is a popular camping destination for park visitors and neighbors, and recreation fees provide a vital source of revenue for needed facility maintenance, future campground improvement projects, and increased costs associated with campground operations.
The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act requires that recreational fees are appropriate to the benefits and services provided. Fees charged by the NPS must be comparable to fees charged by others in the local area for similar benefits and services.
The last major fee rate change on the Parkway occurred in 2016. After research of local campground rates and provided services outside the park, the proposed rate increases were found to be comparable with current market rates in the surrounding areas for similar services, according to the Park Service.
Parkway leadership is accepting comments on the proposed fee increases through March 15. Following public engagement and NPS approval, new fees up to the amounts outlined above could be implemented as soon as May.
Comments can be made online at this site.
The new fees are reasonable. A discount for those with Senior Card or equivalent would be appreciated.