Blue Hills Felsenmeer/Ice Age Trail Alliance
A proposal to reroute a section of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail in Wisconsin is opening for public comment.
Currently, there are approximately 22 miles of the trail in Rusk County, representing a combination of foot travel only paths, shared use trails, logging roads, and the shoulder of a county highway. The re-route being considered is designed for foot travel only and would provide hikers an opportunity to experience some of the unique geologic features of the Blue Hills, such as the Blue Hills Felsenmeer, Devil’s Elbow, and Grundy’s Canyon.
The National Park Service has completed a draft environmental assessment of the proposed re-route. This document will be available for the public to review and comment starting April 12 on the NPS Planning Environment and Public Comment website through May 12, 2024. As part of the review process, the Park Service is hosting a public meeting at the Village Hall in Weyerhaeuser, located at N3723 2nd Street on Saturday, April 13, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. There will be detailed maps of the new route and staff will be available to answer questions.
The new route will be constructed by volunteers from the Ice Age Trail Alliance. If you would like to become a volunteer, visit the Ice Age Trail Alliance website.
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