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Firefighters Challenged By Weather Stoking Wildfire At El Malpais National Monument


Ground crews were being added by retardant drops on the Enceritta Fire/NPS

High temperatures and breezy winds were challenging firefighters trying to contain a lightning-sparked wildfire burning in Ponderosa pine forests and grasslands within El Malpais National Monument in New Mexico.

The Encerrita Fire, spotted last Saturday, covered more than 1,500 acres Wednesday and had forced the closure of the Continental Divide Trail and the Zuni-Acoma Trail, while the El Calderon Trail was open. 

Additional crews arrived Tuesday, bringing the total number of firefighters to 99. Also feeding the flames was slash left over from logging in the area conducted prior to World War II.

Weather was expected to remain hot and dry Wednesday with increased winds over the fire ahead of a frontal passage that will bring precipitation to the region for the remainder of the week.

On Tuesday, firefighters worked to establish an anchor point on the remote southwestern corner of the fire and construct fire line to limit fire spread to the west. Engine crews identified possible fire lines and mitigated hazardous fuels near infrastructure ahead of the fire. Air tankers were able to support ground crews by creating retardant lines on the north and west sides of the fire to limit fire spread onto neighboring jurisdictions. 

Firefighters continued work Wednesday to build direct and indirect fire lines on the west and north sides of the fire, while engine crews continued hazardous fuels reduction ahead of the fire.

Late Wednesday, a frontal passage was expected to cause an increase in winds overnight with gusts up to 30 mph, which was expected to increase overnight fire activity. The passing front will bring moisture to the fire area, which will raise relative humidity and fuel moisture. Thursday’s forecast calls for partly cloudy skies, scattered showers, and thunderstorms.

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