Climb aboard the Traveler train!
Did you know that the National Parks Traveler is a nonprofit?
That means we are funded by readers and listeners like you. We’re not in it for the money — we have no shareholders to please, and no advertisers to keep happy. When the Traveler generates income, we invest it right back into keeping you informed on how your National Park System is being managed and how you can best enjoy it. Serving the public interest and our loyal audience is our sole purpose.
We don’t have to chase clicks or downloads, or create clickbait to attract attention — and advertiser dollars. We don’t need to appease people in power to get scoops and break stories first — we are free to report the news, with no bias or spin.
But the deep, investigative reporting we do isn’t free. To pay for it, we rely primarily on the generosity of readers like you. Our content is free and accessible to everyone, and we hope to keep it that way — but we can’t do it without your support.
A monthly tax-deductible donation of just $25 goes a long way toward supporting the important stories you love — from why melting permafrost is turning Alaskan streams orange; to important questions about management and conservation in Yellowstone; to timely information about park closures, delays, and repairs.
Whether you’re able to contribute a one-time gift or set up a recurring donation, your donation goes directly to producing the essential news about essential places that you rely on. Will you join the National Parks Traveler today with a donation?
We’re so grateful for your support.