View from Kuwohi in April 2023 / NPS
Great Smoky Mountains National Park will begin annual hazard tree maintenance along several park roads next week. Crews will remove dangerous branches and limbs as part of routine preparations for the winter season. To ensure safety for both workers and drivers, some roads and lanes will be temporarily closed.
Work on the Spur is scheduled for November 18–22, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Expect single-lane closures and plan for possible travel delays.
On December 2–3, the one-way section of Cherokee Orchard Road (past Twin Creeks) will be fully closed to all traffic, restricting access to the Rainbow Falls trailhead during this time.
From December 4–20, crews will address hazard trees along U.S. 441/Newfound Gap Road between Gatlinburg and Cherokee. This work will involve single-lane closures and may result in some traffic delays.
For the latest updates and details, please check the park’s Current Conditions page.
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