Colorado River slough at -12 river mile between Glen Canyon Dam and Lees Ferry in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area / NPS
On March 1, 2025, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area will begin construction to channelize the river mile -12 slough to prevent reproduction of small mouth bass in the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.
Small mouth bass are invasive and an aggressive predator species. For the past two decades they've been a scourge for native fish in the Colorado below Glen Canyon.
Construction is planned to start on March 1 and be completed by June with equipment staging in preparation for construction to begin as early as February 26. Access to the river may be temporarily restricted during the equipment staging period only. Further details about delays and other project updates will be shared on the park’s website.
The slough modification project was reviewed in the Warmwater Nonnative Fish Management Plan/Environmental Assessment (EA), which was open for public feedback in September 2024. The park reviewed and considered all comments before finalizing their decision in a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The FONSI and associated EA have been prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act to evaluate potential issues and impacts to the area’s resources and values.
For more information please visit: the NPS Planning and Environmental Assessment page.