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Opinion Columns

Essay | Pandemics & Public Lands

Visits to America’s national parks (our single best source of current and historic outdoor recreation statistics) are down nearly 19% year to date and are unlikely to increase in the immediate future. But what might happen next year or beyond as the coronavirus comes under control? What guideposts might we follow? To gain a glimpse into the future of our nation’s wild lands we need only look to our recent past because, as Mark Twain allegedly quipped, “history may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”

Op-Ed | Why You Shouldn’t Visit A National Park This Summer

Summer is here. Americas are hitting the road for the national parks by the tens of thousands. People from all over the country are tired of coronavirus lockdown and they are breaking free to public lands like national parks. Totally understandable, but should YOU join the rush to the national parks? For many reasons, the answer is a firm no!

Op-Ed | Organ Pipe Cactus Will Suffer Irreversible Destruction

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is home to a thriving community of plants and animals. In fact, this national monument is also an International Biosphere Reserve, recognized for its conservation of the unique resources representing a pristine example of an intact Sonoran Desert ecosystem. But the health and continued protection of this irreplaceable ecosystem is at risk from a man-made intrusion; the border wall.

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