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Parks in the News

National Park Service Struggles to Restore and Protect Historic Sightlines at Manassas National Battlefield Park

The First Battle of Bull Run (First Manassas) was fought near Manassas, Virginia, on July 21, 1861. The Second Battle of Bull Run (Second Manassas) was fought in the same area August 28-30, 1862. Now officials at Manassas National Battlefield Park are fighting to restore the battlefield’s historic sightlines and protect them from encroaching development.

NPCA, TWS Presidents Meet With Canadian Ambassador To Seek Solution to Development in Flathead Valley

How environmentally sensitive is the Canadian government? Can the presidents of two of the United States' conservation groups convince the government not to allow development in the headwaters of the Flathead Valley that lies upstream of Glacier National Park and across from Waterton Lakes National Park?

Proposed Redesignation of Golden Gate National Recreation Area to Golden Gate National Parks Worries Dog Walkers

Should rules meant to protect resources and visitors be less stringent if a National Park System unit is designated Recreation Area? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is spearheading a legislative campaign to have Golden Gate National Recreation Area redesignated Golden Gate National Parks. Bay Area dog owners oppose the proposed change, fearing that it would put an end to off-leash dog walking privileges they currently enjoy.

Study Claims National Park Service is Failing to Protect Biscayne National Park's Coral Reefs

The National Park Organic Act of 1916 directed the fledging National Park Service to, more than anything else, protect the resources of the growing National Park System. Sadly, a new report contends the agency is failing to do just that at Biscayne National Park, where coral reefs are facing "imminent" collapse.

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