Are you canceling your annual trek to the National Park System this year due to coronavirus?/Rebecca Latson file
If you haven't already made plans for your national park escape this year, you should be doing that now. Unless, of course, you've decided to skip the parks this year due to the coronavirus outbreak.
The thought of sitting in an airliner for a few hours with other potentially sick passengers is always a concern, but the hype around the novel coronavirus adds to those concerns. And the thought of visiting a park that attracts a lot of international visitors might be concerning as well. So what are you going to do this year?
Around the National Park System, staff is approaching the current situation much as it does flu season.
"While there have been no identified cases of coronavirus in any national park, the NPS Office of Public Health and the U.S. Public Health Service officers assigned to the National Park Service are closely monitoring the situation and keeping staff informed, relying on the most updated data and information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," Park Service staff told Traveler late last month. "Parks are informed to follow CDC guidance regarding preventative actions to help prevent the spread of viruses, particularly during flu and respiratory disease season."
Of course, on the flip side, national attention and concern could make park lodging prices fall this summer if a great number of folks start canceling their trips, making a visit more affordable. That's definitely something to watch if you are flexible with your travel plans and are willing to go ahead with your vacation in spite of the coronavirus news.
But as of today, what are you thinking of doing?
We're not changing our plans at all. We're going to live our lives and do what we want to do.
Headed to the Grand Canyon with my wife and grandsons tomorrow. Can't wait to share the beauty! Live your life, taking hand sanitizers and will use recommended precautions, but not gonna shut my life down. Trust your country and it's leadership. This too shall pass.
I trust my country just not the leader ship
We are planning to visit a number of the National Parks this year. You take the normal precautions and leave the fear at home.
BTW leave your politics at home as well.
Every year they come up with something new that is going to kill us all. Every year life goes on. Heading to Rocky Mountain NP this weekend as planned.
Sorry Jim Holmes, but when the decisionmakers higher on the food chain daily uise the politics of fear as a weapon, Free Speech is essential.
My wife and I will not change our plans. Every day is a gift and not to be wasted in fear of what might happen.
Planning to visit less crowded parks in May - Guadalupe, Carlsbad Caverns, and White Sands.