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National Park Mystery Photo 48: A Thingie That’s Part of a Set

 Vot da hell is dis?!

 Mystery Photo 48 was taken in a national park. If you can tell us what this thing is and name the national park in which it is located, you will be eligible for our monthly prize drawing.

No Cheating! If we catch you Googling or engaged in other sneakery we will make you write on the whiteboard 100 times:

Arguing that batting average is a very inefficient measure of a batter’s skill, sabermetricians prefer to gauge a batter's ability by on-base percentage (hits plus walks plus hit by pitches divided by at bats plus walks plus hit by pitches plus sacrifice flies, but not sacrifice bunts), slugging percentage (total bases -- one per single, two per double, three per triple, and four per home run – divided by at bats), and more recently, derivatives such as on-base slugging percentage (on-base percentage plus slugging percentage).


Not borax mining equipment at Death Valley National Park, and not a cannon wheel hub.

Stagecoach wheel hubs at Yellowstone NP

Sorry, Caprice; a wagon wheel is involved, but the object you must identify is not a wagon wheel hub, and this photo wasn't taken at Yellowstone.

Based on the 9:28am answer, how about part of the mechanism for lowering wagons down the hill at Scott's Bluff NM?  I don't like my answer because of that phillips screw in the smaller hoop, and because I don't remember remnants of the mechanism being on display, as i was with a vegetation crew.  Also, I don't recall Kurt or Bob travelling in that part of the country.

What?!? We've stumped tomp2??? This is a red-letter day, cuz that doesn't happen often.

It looks like the group has established it's a wagon wheel hub (axle end), so I'm just going to guess every park that might have a covered wagon exhibit.  First try:  Whitman Mission NHS.

My next guess will be a wagon wheel hub at Bent's Old Fort NHS.  Might as well get that one out of the way now.

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