To get full credit for solving the Mystery Spot 36 puzzle you only needed to identify the national park indicated by the clues listed below:
Humpty Dumpty
sheltered anchorage
grandfather's mother
The answer is Great Egg Harbor National Scenic and Recreational River, a national park oriented to a river that runs through or along the Pinelands National Reserve (Pine Barrens) of southern New Jersey near Trenton, Camden, Philadelphia, and Wilmington. In addition to offering great fishing and birding, the Great Egg Harbor River (with its tributaries) is the largest canoeing and kayaking river in the Pinelands. The park protects important habitat for many species, including endangered ones like the swamp pink, bog turtle, and Pine Barrens tree frog.
The Great Egg Harbor River is a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
Congratulations to the 14 readers who solved this one, including: George S, djjeffrey100, Eric, Anon 7:35, ed-123, Aron, viewmtn, celbert, Eric Nelson, Jerry, jo, David Crowl, Steve B, and last but not least (ta-da!), RangerLady. All are eligible for our monthly prize drawing.
Here is how the clues lead you to the answer:
Grandfather's mother is a great grandmother.
Humpty Dumpty is an egg.
A harbor is a sheltered anchorage.
Picturesque is a synonym for scenic.
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