National Park Mystery Spot 37 is a unit of the National Park System . If you can tell us which it is, you will be eligible for our monthly prize drawing.
"Tall is too small," the barista said,
"Starbucks recommends the medium instead. "
What Hoover hammered out of the park
Was a curveball with a generous arc.
The Venus you see through your naked eye's lense
Shines like a star that has no friends.
We'll reveal the answer and explain the clues in tomorrow's Traveler.
It's a pleasure to welcome Eric and Joy to the winners circle. That makes an even dozen.
Is it Hoover Dam
Is it Sequoia Natl Pak, Kings Canyon or Hoover Dam
Not Sequoia National Park or Kings Canyon National Park. Hoover Dam is not a unit of the National Park System.