Mystery Spot 46 is a named feature in one of America’s 397 national parks. See if you can identify it using the clues provided below. Traveler readers answering correctly will be eligible for our monthly prize drawing and a chance to win a copy of Andrew Skurka's The Ultimate Hiker's Gear Guide: Tools and Techniques to Hit the Trail.
Here are all the clues you should need to identify this mystery spot:
One thousand orange trees on a three-acre mini-farm.
The most attractive girl at the prom.
The great scent of great grandmother’s chest.
Bonus clue, no extra charge: The bird that was early got a worm, but the general that was early did not get the victory.
Remember that this is a two-part question. To get full credit you must identify the specific physical or cultural feature as well as the national park in which it is located. Good Luck!
The answer and a list of readers submitting correct answers will be posted in tomorrow's Traveler..
No cheating!
If we catch you Googling or engaged in other sneakery, we will make you write on the whiteboard 100 times: “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day drinking beer.”
You've ID-ed the park, KC Traveler, but that's not the whole answer.
Moon Pie, the Quizmeister is not supposed to choose between those two features in that park; you are! ;o)
Spot on, Ranger Dave. Welcome back to the Winners Circle.
You've homed in on the park, Kevin M, and now have only to home in on the specific feature in the park.
Good job, George S; you're in.
Anon 12:48 and David Crowl have nailed it and are welcome to join the growing crowd in the Winners Circle.
You are sharp as a tack, Kevin M. And you're in. Good job.