Our Ringer VII quiz requires you to examine sets of park names and decide which park in each set is different from the others in a significant way and “does not belong there.” For example, if you were to examine a set consisting of Acadia National Park, Yosemite National Park, Death Valley National Park, and Devils Postpile National Monument, you could logically say that Acadia does not belong because it is an eastern park and the other three are western parks. Acadia is a “ringer park” in this context because of its false representation of belonging to a set of western parks.
If you can correctly identify a ringer park in at least 8 of the 10 sets listed below, you will be eligible for our monthly prize drawing and a chance to win a signed copy of Stephen R. Brown's beautiful photo book, the Jewel of the Mall: The World War II Memorial.
To correctly identify a ringer park in a set, you must state the name of a park and tell why it can logically be called a ringer park in that particular set. Since parks can vary in many significant ways, there is not necessarily just one correct answer for each set. Thus, for example, Acadia could have been called a ringer park in the sample set because it is the smallest of the four parks, because is located in Maine instead of California, because it has no federally protected wilderness, because it was created entirely from private land, etc. Your answer will be judged correct if you’ve made a strong case for it.
A park cannot be dubbed a ringer park simply because of its type designation. Thus, Devils Postpile cannot be called a ringer park in the above example simply because it is National Monument-designated park and the others are National Park-designated.
Identify your answers with the same numbers used in the list. Remember that each of your answers must name a park and tell why it can logically be called a ringer park in that particular set.
And now, have at it!
1. Fort Point National Historic Site, Fort Sumter National Memorial, Fort Pulaski National Monument, Fort Laramie National Historic Site
2. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Golden Spike National Historic Site
3. Stones River National Battlefield, Gettysburg National Military Park, Horseshoe Bend National Military Park, Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield
4. Devils Tower National Monument, River Raisin National Battlefield Park, Mesa Verde National Park, Mount Rainier National Park
5. Grand Canyon National Park, Big Bend National Park, Glacier National Park, Voyageurs National Park
6. James A. Garfield National Historic Site, John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, Lincoln Memorial
7. Gates of the Arctic National Park, Kenai Fjords National Park, Glacier Bay National Park, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park
8. Redwood National and State Parks, Yosemite National Park, Congaree National Park, Shenandoah National Park
9. Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, Amistad National Recreation Area
10. Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site, Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site, Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site, Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site
Answers and a list of readers who submitted at least eight acceptable answers will be posted in tomorrow's Traveler.
No cheating!
If we catch you Googling or engaged in other sneakery, we will make you write on the whiteboard 100 times: “Integrity is what you do when no one is looking.”
Eric Nelson has hit the nail on the head, and has administered a dope slap to his own head. You are quite right about number five, Eric. Your earlier statement implying that Voyageurs isn't associated with erosional features is ourageously incorrect. I'm glad you caught that before I launched a lecture on erosional features produced by continental glaciation. Welcome to the Winners Circle.
Good job, Sierra Sharon; you're in. BTW, I don't like your answer for number 2; you might want to think about that one some more.
You're in, richp39. You have 8 solid answers, and that's all that's needed. Since your number 8 is very weak, and the reasoning behind number 6 is badly flawed, we're going to ask you to enter the Winners Circle by the servants entrance.
Good job, stwbirder. You got 'em all correct except number two. Welcome to the Winners Circle.
You're in, deskbound parky, but not because of numbers 2 and 8. Servants entrance. ;o)
Better have another look at numbers 2 and 6, tomp2. Get either one correct and you're in the Winners Circle.
I did not connect the dots when I read your comment about 'cheating'. It was only after I submitted my responses that I read about the prohibition on using google. Please take my name off of the Winner's Circle list as I googled several times to get links to the Nat'l Pks sites. I must admit I had never heard of a few of the parks in the quiz and needed some reference material.