Do you know what the National Park Week Quiz #6 photo depicts and what national park it was taken in? If you can provide both pieces of information before 12:00 midnight EST today you will be eligible for Traveler’s National Park Week prize drawing and a chance to win a National Geographic Trails Illustrated Map for the national park of your choice.
The answer and a list of readers who answered correctly will be posted in tomorrow's Traveler.
No cheating!
If we catch you Googling or engaged in other sneakery we will make you write on the whiteboard 100 times: "Tectonic plates float at an elevation that depends on their thickness and density, exhibiting isostacy attributable to gravitational equilibrium between the earth's lithosphere and asthenosphere."
I'm very greatful because weirdly my computer and google both sayed it was still 11:58 and I was shocked when the comment said ":01" at the end!