Back in November I posted about a new line of exercise tights that I had run across. In that post, I mentioned that the company, CW-X, also had a line of insulated tights intended for colder weather. Well, I finally got around to field testing a pair of the Insulator Expert tights and have to admit I'm fairly impressed with them.
What makes this company's insulated tights different than the competition is the "auto-sensing" technology that, in effect, enables the tights to breath, both to prevent moisture buildup and to keep you from over-heating or getting cold.
How is that possible? As it's been explained to me, the company utilizes a three-layer "nanotechnology fabric" that not only pulls moisture away from your skin, but opens and closes the fabric's pores so as to keep your skin temperature right around 77 degrees Fahrenheit. The insulator tights ($95 MSRP) also utilize the same Lyra support bands that I mentioned in last fall's post. The accompanying CW-X illustration gives you an idea of how they provide support to your leg muscles as well as your knees.
Plus, the fabric is anti-bacterial thanks to titanium and silver fibers integrated into the weave, offers four-way stretch courtesy of the mix of 80 percent polyester and 20 percent polyester Spandex that goes into the fabric, and offers a 50 UV protection (which probably is unnecessary since the tights are dark blue).
So far I've challenged the tights during cross-country ski workouts (though I plan to use them later this spring for cycling). Both times I wore the tights the temperature was in the mid-30s. I wish it had been colder, as I quickly warmed up in the tights and the thought of being too warm crossed my mind once or twice as I worked up hills. That said, the tights kept me comfortable during downhill runs and during my cool-down.
Insulator tops also are available.
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