Wild hogs will be studied at Big South Fork National River and Recreation to get a better understanding of how much of a problem they are/NPS
Hog trapping is going to be taking place at Big South Fork National River and Recreation area in Kentucky and Tennessee through December 2017 as officials try to get more information about problems caused by the wild, non-native pigs.
Park staff say the hogs are causing significant impacts to the park's natural resources.
"Little is known about the Big South Fork wild hog population, but the damage pigs are causing is threatening park resources including federally listed species such as the white fringeless orchid, Cumberland sandwort, and Cumberland rosemary," a park release said. "Hogs destroy wildlife habitat, as well as crops on private lands. Wild hogs can also contribute to the spread of disease, including pseudorabies and swine brucellosis."
To better understand the wild pig population, the park has partnered with the University of Tennessee to conduct a wild pig research project that will include the capture and radio-tagging of wild pigs with GPS transmitters. This will provide multiple pig locations daily and will continue for 1.5 years. The data from this project will help to determine movement patterns of wild hogs including their responses to removal/hunting efforts and will also provide baseline data for the development of a wild hog management strategy for the park.
Wild pigs will be trapped and chemically immobilized during the study period. During hunting season, hunters are encouraged to not kill wild hogs with transmitter collars or eat wild hogs with transmitter collars. However, anyone that does acquire a transmitter collar is encouraged to contact Jason Fisher, wildlife biologist, at Big South Fork (423-569-9778), or contact the information found on the collar so that the transmitter can be placed on another wild hog to continue the research.
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