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Remembering Richard West Sellars


Published Date

June 1, 2018

Richard West Sellars

Historian Richard West Sellars died at home in Santa Fe on November 1, 2017. Born in Decatur, Texas, in 1935, he was the son of oilman Robert Thompson Sellars, Sr. and schoolteacher, Johnnie Mae Blankenship Sellars. He graduated from Baylor University with a degree in geology in 1957.

After a few years in the oil business, he realized that his interests actually lay more in history, geography, and literature. He furthered his education at North Texas State University and the University of Missouri-Columbia, earning a Ph.D. in Western History in 1972. Although his goal had originally been college teaching, he immediately found employment with the National Park Service upon receiving his degree. There he embraced a career that afforded both intellectual analysis of NPS park units and interesting travel; he visited at least 350 National Park System sites.

From 1979 to 1988 he headed the Southwest Cultural Resources Center in Santa Fe, overseeing programs in history, archaeology, historic architecture and submerged cultural resources. He served as acting superintendent at Pea Ridge National Military Park and San Antonio Missions National Historical Park. He also was a consultant in the Dallas County Historical Foundation's establishment of the Sixth Floor Museum.

But it was in writing and lecturing that he found the greatest satisfaction. His articles on American history and cultural and natural resource preservation appeared in numerous publications, and he frequently taught courses on preservation philosophy, policy, and practice and historic preservation at National Park Service training centers and various universities.

He is best known as the author of Preserving Nature in the National Parks: A History, published in 1997 by Yale University Press, and the chief catalyst for a major initiative by the National Park Service to revitalize natural resource management in the parks.

After his retirement in 2008, he worked on a history of cultural resources management in the National Park Service, which remains unfinished. His achievements were recognized by the National Park Service and related organizations with the George P. Hartzog Award, the U.S. Department of the Interior Meritorious Service Award, and the George Melendez Wright Award for Excellence. He will be remembered for his unwavering commitment to preservation principles and devotion to the National Park Service.

Richard West Sellars writings cataloged on

Annual Report of the Southwest Cultural Resources Center: History, Conservation, Anthropology, Submerged Cultural Resources, Fiscal Year 1985(Richard West Sellars, March 1986)

Annual Report of the Southwest Cultural Resources Center: History, Conservation, Anthropology, Sub-merged Cultural Resources, Fiscal Year 1987(Richard West Sellars, January 1988)

Bibliography of Richard West Sellars Writings, 1935-2017 (Judith S. Sellars, Feb.-Mar. 2018)

A House Divided: The National Park Service and Environmental Leadership (Richard West Sellars, extract from People and Place: The Human Experience in Greater Yellowstone, 4th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2004)

A Very Large Array: Early Federal Historic Preservation — The Antiquities Act, Mesa Verde, and the National Park Service Act (Richard West Sellars, extract from National Resources Journal, vol. 47 no. 2, Spring 2007, reproduced with permission from the University of New Mexico School of Law)

Agency Culture: A Dilemma for Natural Resource Preservation (Richard West Sellars, extract from Natural Resource Year in Review 1997, April 1997)

Announcing the Richard West Sellars Fund for the Forum (Jennifer Palmer, extract from The George Wright Forum, vol. 34 no. 3, 2017, ©George Wright Society, all rights reserved)

Book Review: America's National Parks and Their Keepers, ed. by. Ronald A. Foresta. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 1984 (Richard West Sellars, extract from Journal of Forest History, v. 29, no. 2, April 1985, ©Forest History Society, all rights reserved)

Creating Tradition: The Roots of National Park Management (Richard West Sellars, extract from Wild Earth, v. 10, no. 2, Summer 2000, ©Yale University Press, all rights reserved)

Custer at the Little Bighhorn: The Great Retrospective (Richard West Sellars, extract from Courier, v. 32, no. 9, September, 1987)

Early Promotion and Development of Missouri's Natural Resources (Richard West Sellars, Thesis, (Ph.D.), University of Missouri-Columbia, December 1972)

Enhancing Natural Resources Management: Recommendations (Richard West Sellars, extract from Ranger: the Journal of the Association of National Park Rangers, v. 14, no. 2, Spring 1998)

Getting to Know You: Getting to Know All About You (Richard West Sellars, extract from Ranger, the Journal of the Association of National Park Rangers, v. 31, no. 1, Winter 2014-15)

Going to Graceland: Take a Look at a Different Type of Cultural Property (Richard West Sellars, extract from Courier, v. 32, no. 10, October 1987)

Home Is Where the Heart Is: The Cook Family and NPS Housing (Richard West Sellars, extract from Courier, August, 1991)

Interview with Robert M. Utley on the History of Historic Preservation in the National Park Service Southwest Cultural Resources Center Professional Papers No. 16 (Richard W. Sellars and Melody Webb, 1988)

Lunch and Learn...about the NPS (Richard West Sellars, extract from Ranger, the Journal of the Association of National Park Rangers, v. 29, no. 3, Summer 2013)

Manipulating Nature's Paradise: National Park Management Under Stephen T. Mather, 1916-1929 (Richard West Sellars, extract from Montana: The Magazine of Western History, v. 43, no. 2, Spring 1993, ©Montana Historical Society, all rights reserved)

National Parks: Worthless Lands or Competing Land Values? Part of "The National Parks: A Forum on the 'Worthless Lands' Thesis"(Richard West Sellars, extract from Journal of Forest History, v. 27, no. 3, July 1983, ©Forest History Society, all rights reserved)

Pilgrim Places: Civil War Battlefields, Historic Preservation, and America's First National Military Parks, 1863-1900 (Richard West Sellars, extract from CRM: The Journal of Cultural Resource Management, vol. 2 no. 1, Winter 2005)

Preserving Nature in the National Parks A History (Richard West Sellars, ©Yale University Press, 1997)

Proposed San Antonio Missions National Historical Park: Alternatives for Implementation, A Suitability/Feasibility Study (Marlys Franc Thurber, Richard W. Sellars and David G. Battle, 1975)

Reconstructions — Expensive, Life-Size Toys? (Richard Sellars and Dwight Pitcaithley, extract from CRM Bulletin, Vol. 2 No. 4, December 1979)

Remembering Abraham Lincoln 125 Years Later (Richard West Sellars, extract from Courier, v. 35, no. 4, April 1990)

Remembering Abraham Lincoln: History and Myth (Richard West Sellars, extract from The George Wright Forum, v. 11, no. 4, Apri 1994, ©George Wright Society, all rights reserved)

Researching and Writing a History of Natural Resources Management (Richard West Sellars, extract from CRM, v. 16, no. 1, 1993)

Richard West Sellars’ distinguished National Park Service career (Kimberly Hirai, extract from High Country News, Jan. 27, 2012, ©High Country News, all rights reserved)

Scenery and Science in U.S. National Parks (Richard West Sellars, extract from eJournal USA, U.S. Department of State, v. 13, no. 7, July 2008)

Science or Scenery? A Conflict of Values in the National Parks (Richard West Sellars, extract from Wilderness, v. 52, no. 185, Summer 1989, ©Wilderness Society, all rights reserved)

Science or Tradition? From the Beginning, Tourism Has Shaped the Attitudes of Park Service Leadership, Resulting in a Stubborn Resistance to Scientific Resource Management (Richard West Sellars, extract from National Parks, v. 72, no. 1-2, January/February, 1998)

Special History Report: Preliminary Survey of Historic Structures, Part I, Buffalo National River, Arkansas (Richard West Sellars, 1973)

Splish Splash (Richard West Sellars, extract from The Baylor Line, v. 54, no. 4, Fall, 1992, ©Baylor Alumni Association, all rights reserved)

The Evolution of NPS Science and Natural Resource Management: Rhetoric versus Realty (Interview with Richard West Sellars, extract from Yellowstone Science, v. 6, no. 2, Spring, 1998)

The Fur Trade in the Northwest as an Instrument of National Expansion, 1821-1846 (Richard West Sellars, Thesis, (M.A.), North Texas State University, August 1965)

The George Melendez Wright Award for Excellence, Richard W. Sellars (Imagine Excellence, Rethinking Protected Areas in a Changing World: The 2011 George Wright Society Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites, The National Park Service Director’s Awards: Natural Resources, Cultural Resources, Wilderness, and the 2011 George Wright Society Awards, March 17, 2011, ©The George Wright Society, all rights reserved)

The Granite Orchards of Gettysburg (Richard West Sellars, extract from Courier, v. 31, no. 12, December 1986)

The Great Yellowstone Campfire Mystery (Richard West Sellars, extract from Courier, v. 37, no. 3, March 1992)

The National Park System and the Historic American Past: A Brief Overview and Reflection (Richard West Sellars, extract from The George Wright Forum, v. 24, no. 1, 2007, ©George Wright Society, all rights reserved)

The National Parks: A Once and Future Frontier (Richard West Sellars, extract from Courier, v. 31, no. 11, November 1986)

The Path Not Taken (Richard West Sellars, extract from George Wright Forum, v. 17, no. 4, 2000, ©George Wright Society, all rights reserved)

The Rise and Decline of Ecological Attitudes in National Park Management — Part I (Richard West Sellars, extract from The George Wright Forum, v. 10, no. 1, 1993, ©George Wright Society, all rights reserved)

The Rise and Decline of Ecological Attitudes in National Park Management — Part II: Natural Resource Management Under Directors Albright and Cammerer (Richard West Sellars, extract from The George Wright Forum, v. 10, no 2, 1993, ©George Wright Society, all rights reserved)

The Rise and Decline of Ecological Attitudes in National Park Management — Part III: (Conclusion): Growth and Diversification of the National Park Service (Richard West Sellars, extract from The George Wright Forum, v. 10, no. 3, 1993, ©George Wright Society, all rights reserved)

The Roots of National Park Management: Evolving Perceptions of the Park Service's Mandate (Richard West Sellars, extract from Journal of Forestry, v. 90, no. 1, January 1992, ©Society of American Foresters, all rights reserved)

The Roots of National Park Management: Evolving Perceptions of the Park Service’s Mandate (Richard West Sellars, extract from Courier, v. 37, no. 7(8?), September 1992))

The Significance of George Wright (Richard West Sellars, extract from The George Wright Forum, v. 17, no. 4 2000, ©George Wright Society, all rights reserved)

The Sixth Floor Museum: Commemorating JFK’s Assassination and Other National Traumas (Richard West Sellars, extract from Natural History, v. 121, no. 9, November 2013, ©Natural History Magazine, Inc., 2013, all rights reserved)

The Texas School Book Depository: Preserving the Dark Side of History (Richard West Sellars, extract from History News, v. 43, no. 6, November/December 1988, ©American Association for State and Local History, all rights reserved)

The Truth Lies Buried at Fort Laramie: It's Time for the National Park Service to Start Telling the Indian Story Historic Sites (Richard West Sellars, extract from This Week from Indian Country Today, June 15, 2011, ©NCAI Press/Photography: ©AP and ©Flickr, all rights reserved)

The University of California — Present at the Creation (Richard West Sellars, extract from Courier, v. 35, no. 2, February, 1990)

Vigil of Silence: The Civil War Memorials (Richard West Sellars, extract from History News, v. 41, no. 4, July/August 1986, ©American Association for State and Local History, all rights reserved)

Vigil of silence: the Civil War memorials (Richard West Sellars, extract from Courier, v. 32, no. 3, March, 1987)

War and Consequences: The American Indian Movement Vs. the National Park Service at Fort Laramie: Part I (Richard West Sellars, National Parks Traveler: Commentary, News and Life in America's Parks, April 25, 2011)

War and Consequences: The American Indian Movement Vs. the National Park Service at Fort Laramie: Part II (Richard West Sellars, National Parks Traveler: Commentary, News and Life in America's Parks, April 26, 2011)

Why Take a Trip to Bountiful — Won’t Anaheim Do? (Richard West Sellars, extract from Courier, v. 35, no. 10, October 1990)

Why Take a Trip to Bountiful — Won’t Anaheim Do? The Value of the Genuine Artifact in Historic Preservation (Richard West Sellars, extract from Natural History, v. 124, no. 7, July/August 2016, ©Natural History Magazine, Inc., 2016, all rights reserved)

Why Take a Trip to Bountiful—Won't Anaheim Do? (Richard West Sellars, extract from Landscape, v. 30, no. 3, 1990, posting by permission of the Black Rock Institute, Reno, Nevada, 2018, all rights reserved)

Yellowstone, Part II: Not Just Another Pretty Façade (Richard West Sellars, extract from Journal of Forestry, v. 88, no. 1, January 1990, ©Society of American Foresters, all rights reserved)

Interview with Richard West Sellars
 (Lu Ann Jones, November 7, 2014)

Adapting To Climate Change in Coastal Parks: Estimating the Exposure of Park Assets to 1 m of Sea-Level Rise NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/GRD/NRR-2015/961 (Katie McDowell Peek, Robert S. Young, Cat Hawkins Hoffman, Brian T. Diethorn and Shawn Norton, May 2015)

Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge Projections for the National Park Service NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/NRR-2018/1648 (Maria A. Caffrey, Rebecca L. Beavers and Cat Hawkins Hoffman, May 2018)

2017 National Park Visitor Spending Effects: Economic Contributions to Local Communities, States, and the Nation NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/EQD/NRR-2018/1616 (Catherine Cullinane Thomas, Lynne Koontz and Egan Cornachione, April 2018)

World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate (A. Markham, E. Osipova, Samuel K. Lafrenz and A. Caldas, ©UNESCO and UNEP, 2016)

Harold L. Ickes and the National Park Service (Barry Mackintosh, extract from Journal of Forest History, v. 29, no. 2, April 1985, ©Forest History Society, all rights reserved)

Annual Report of the Southwest Cultural Resources Center: History, Conservation, Anthropology, Submerged Cultural Resources, Fiscal Year 1985(Richard West Sellars, March 1986)

Annual Report of the Southwest Cultural Resources Center: History, Conservation, Anthropology, Sub-merged Cultural Resources, Fiscal Year 1987(Richard West Sellars, January 1988)

Bears Ears Archaeological Experts Gathering: Assessing and Looking Ahead (Archaeology Southwest and Friends of Cedar Mesa, 2017)

Southwest Monuments Monthly Report (January 1940)

Final Mountain Goat Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement, Olympic National Park (April 2018)

How Much is Too Much? Carrying Capacity of National Parks and Protected Areas (Robert E. Manning, extract from Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Conference Proceedings, 2002)

Agate Fossil Beds National Monument Fish Inventory Final Report (Mark A. Pegg and Kevin L. Pope, c2008)

Fishes of Niobrara River at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument: 2011 Survey (Richard H. Stasiak, George R. Cunningham, Scott Flash, Andrea Wagner and Adena Barela, c2011)

Historic Context Study of Waterfowl Hunting Camps and Related Properties within Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland and Virginia (Ralph E. Eshelman and Patricia A. Russell, July 21, 2004)

Sustaining the Landscape: A Method for Comparing Current and Desired Future Conditions of Forest Ecosystems in the North Cumberland Plateau and Mountains (Daniel L. Druckenbord and Virginia H. Dale, December 2004)

John Muir's Crossing of the Cumberland (Dan Styer, extract from The John Muir Newsletter, Winter 2010-2011)

Natural Resource Condition Assessment, New River Gorge National River NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NERI/NRR-2018/1622 (Carolyn G. Mahan and John A. Young, April 2018)

Vegetation Mapping at Cumberland Island National Seashore NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/SECN/NRR-2017/1511 (Rachel H. McManamay, September 2017)

An Inventory of International Park Possibilities: Point Roberts, Boundary Bay, San Juan & Gulf Islands Archipelago — A Joint Report Prepared for the International Point Roberts Board (National Park Service and Parks Canada, August 1973)

Protecting the Crown: A Century of Resource Management in Glacier National Park Rocky Mountains Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (Theodore Catton, Diane Krahe and Deirdre K. Shaw, June 2011)

Alternate Concepts, Rebuild Sperry Chalet for the Next 100 Years (2018)

Biological Assessment for Threatened and Endangered Species, Rebuild Sperry Chalet for the Next 100 Years (April 2018)

Environmental Assessment, Rebuild Sperry Chalet for the Next 100 Years (April 2018)

Scoping Newsletter #1, Sperry Chalet, the Next 100 Years Environmental Assessment (EA) (2018)

The Astronaut and The Ranger, Proposed Santa Susana Field Lab National Historic Site, California (Donald M. Scott, April 7, 2018)

Mississippi Civil Rights Sites Special Resource Study — Newsletter #1 (Spring 2018)

Rocks, Ice & Water: The Geology of Waterton-Glacier Park (David D. Alt and Donald W. Hyndman, ©Mountain Press Publishing, 1978, all rights reserved)

Archeological Assessment and Resource Management Guide, Tumacacori National Monument (Lee Fratt, June 10, 1981)

The Buffalo Chip, Yellowstone National Park (July 1989)

Business Feasibility Study of the Albright and Mather Training Centers (Genevieve Pritchard and Mark Houdek, 2008)

Fossil Management Plan and Environmental Assessment, Agate Fossil Beds National Monument Draft (August 1988)

Vegetation Community Monitoring at Agate Fossil Bends National Monument, Nebraska: 1999-2009 NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/HTLN/NRTR-2010/531 (Kevin M. James, July 2010)

Plant Community Composition and Structure Monitoring, Agate Fossil Beds National Monument: 2011 Annual Report NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NGPN/NRTR-2011/518 (Isabel W. Ashton, Michael Prowatzke,, Michael R. Bynum, Tim Shepherd, Stephen K. Wilson and Kara Painter-Green, December 2011)

Plant Community Composition and Structure Monitoring, Agate Fossil Beds National Monument: 2012 Annual Report NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NGPN/NRTR-2013/673 (Isabel W. Ashton, Stephen K. Wilson, Dan Swanson, Michael Prowatzke and Phil Graeve, January 2013)

Agate Fossil Beds National Monument: A Proposal (August 1963)

A Report on the Status, Changes, and Comparative Ecology of Selected Back Country Meadow Areas in Yosemite National Park That Receive Heavy Visitor Use (Carl W. Sharsmith, June 29, 1961)

Nature Guide Service: 1920-1960, Yosemite National Park Yosemite Nature Notes (Vol. XXXIX, No. 7, July 1960)

The Yosemite and Sequoia-Kings Canyon Prescribed Natural Fire Programs 1968-1978 (Stephen J. Botti and Tom Nichols, undated)

The Tioga Road: A History, 1883-1961 (Keith A. Trexler, 1975)

Wilderness Management Plan, Yosemite National Park (1989)

Air Quality Issues at Shenandoah and Great Smoky Mountains National Parks (1993)

Air Quality Management Plan, Shenandoah National Park First Draft (Julie Thomas, April 5, 1993)

Natural Resource Inventory and Long-Term Ecological Monitoring System Plan for Shenandoah National Park (August 1991)

A Discussion of Ecological Management in the National Park System (Robert D. Barbee, M.S. thesis, August 1968)

Ecosystem Management in the National Park Service: Discussion Draft Vail Agenda: Resource Stewardship Team, Ecosystem Management Working Group (September 1994)

Interpretive Program Study 2015-2016, Grand Teton National Park (Pat Stephens Williams and Ray Darville, May 23, 2017)

The Present Plight of the Jackson Hole Elk Bureau of Biological Survey Wildlife Research and Management Leaflet BS-12 (H.P. Sheldon, Olaus J. Murie and W.E. Crouch, July 1935)

Migrations and Management of the Jackson Elk Herd National Biological Survey Resource Publication 199 (Bruce L. Smith and Russell L. Robbins, 1994)

Career Counseling Handbook: Western Regional Office (undated)

Careers (undated)

Experience Your America: Working for the National Park Service, A Guide for Job Applicants and Hiring Supervisors (2001)

Development and Success of Catch-and-Release Angling Programs (Orthello L. Wallis and Daniel G. Reinhold, 1961)

Game Conservation in the National Parks (Horace M. Albright, 1924)

Men and Mammals in Joint Occupation of National Parks (George M. Wright, May 6, 1934)

National Parks and Wildlife (Joseph S. Dixon, undated)

A National Park Service Fish Policy (David H. Madsen, undated)

Activities of the National Park Service in Wildlife Conservation (Victor H. Cahalane, c1930s)

Memorandum on General Procedure of the Wildlife Division, Branch of Research and Education (August 5, 1936)

Wildlife Management in the National Park System (Francis H. Jacot, April 8, 1966)

Special Report: Results of Stream Improvement Jobs by National Park Service C.C.C. Camps in New England (Maynard S. Johnson, December 3, 1937)

Biological Investigations in Connection with E. C. W. in Eastern National Parks (undated)

Wildlife Conservation Under ECW in the National Parks and Monuments (E. Lowell Sumner, Adolph Murie, A.E. Borell and Willis King, c1930s)

National Parks Wildlife Conserved by Emergency Conservation Work (undated)

Monthly Narrative Report to Chief Architect: Report on E.C.W. Activities, Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Lewis and Clark Caverns National Monument (Sanford Hill and Howard Gregg, May 27-June 27, 1937)

Recommended College Preparation for Students Planning to Enter the National Park Service Through the Park Rangers Civil Service Examination (July 27, 1944)

Fire in National Parks (Glen Kaye, ed., CONTACT: Southwest Region Interpreter's Newsletter, Vol. XIX, Oct-Dec 1994)

The Methods and Motivation for Changes in the National Park Service's and U.S. Forest Service's Fire Policies (Hedrick Belin and Bill Cronon, December 11, 1988)

Survey of Ethnographic Collections in the National Park Service (undated)

Findings and Recommendations of the National Park Service GIS Program Review Panel (June 15-17, 1992)

Role and Function of the Geographic Information Systems Division (June 6, 1991)

GISD Staff Support to Regions (September 17, 1991)

Resources Basic Inventory (RBI) Handbook (November 1973)

Preservation of Wilderness on Isle Royale (Adolph Murie, undated)

Juniper Fire Comple Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Plan, Joshua Tree National Park (June 7, 1999)

Report of Kaibab Investigative Committee (June 8-15, 1931)

The Wolf Problem in Mount McKinley National Park / A Review of the Mountain Sheep Situation in Mount McKinley National Park, Alaska, 1945 (Newton B. Drury, January 4, 1946 and Adolph Murie, October 9, 1945)

Natural Resource Management Plan, Cape Hatteras National Seashore (undated)

Birds of the Bodie Island Pond and the Roadside Ponds and Marshes, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North Carolina CPSU Technical Report No. 46 (Jim Boone, April 1988)

Vegetation Changes on Bodie Island, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North Carolina NPS Southeast Region Research/Resources Management Report SER-85 (Ian Firth, June 1987)

Natural Resources Monitoring Program: 1990 Status Report, Channel Islands National Park (Gary E. Davis and William L. Halvorson, December 15, 1990)

Natural and Cultural Resources Management Annual Report: 1992, Channel Islands National Park (1992)

Special Report on the Sixth Enrollment Period Program Proposed for Death Valley National Monument (E. Lowell Sumner, Jr., September 10, 1935)

The Mining Situation in Death Valley National Monument (May 5, 1976)

Reservation List: The Parks of the National Park System, Washington, DC (2009)

Kingship and Comradery: Wilderness in the Davidic Narratives (Susan P. Bratton, undated)

Maintenance of the Primeval in National Parks (Arno B. Cammerer, c1930s)

Servicewide Task Force on Wilderness Policy and Management: Final Report (December 1986)

Professional Development Program; Resource Management Careers (undated)

Study for a National Seaside including Kill Devil Hill, Hatteras, Cape Lookout, Fort Macon Area (Louis P. Croft, 1934)

Study for a National Seashore Park Covering in a General Way the Region from Virginia Beach to Hatteras Inlet and the Dismal Swamp and Specifically Reporting on the Area from Kitty Hawk to Oregon Inlet (Louis P. Croft, undated)

Report of Investigation Relative to the Proposed Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area (N.C. Cape Hatteras Seashore Commission, July 20, 1950)

The National Environmental Policy Act: A Study of its Effectiveness After Twenty-Five Years (Executive Office of the President, Council on Environmental Quality, January 1997)

Progress Report on Resource Conservation (Douglas McKay, October 1955)

Objectives and Functions of National Forests and National Parks (undated)

A Forestry Policy for the National Parks (May 6, 1931)

NPS Major Programs and Concerns: 1962-1972 (June 1973)

Regulating Mineral Activity in NPS Units Natural Resources Report Series 86-2 (Frank Buono and Barbara West, March 1986)

National Park Service Director Announces New Regional Offices (December 5, 1973)

Cooperative Park Studies Units in the National Park Service: Consensus of the Regional Chief Scientists (Michael Soukup, Steve Veirs, Dominic Dottavio, Denny Fenn, Bruce Kilgore and Al Greene, July 1989)

Memorandum: Report, Regional Chief Scientists Meeting, April 19-20, 1979 (April 1979)

Annual Science Report, Midwest Region: 1986 (Gary D. Wilson and Michael Van Stappen, comp., 1987)

"Get the Facts, and Put Them to Work": Comprehensive Natural History Research Program for the National Parks (January 1962)

A Strategic Plan for Improving the Natural Resource Program of the National Park Service (undated)

Natural Science - Resource Studies Budget Justification FY 1967-1970 (April 15, 1965)

White Paper on Research in the National Park Service (Regional Chief Scientists, April 16, 1990)

A History of Science in the National Park Service Draft (Henry E. McCutchen, August 19, 1992)

Natural Sciences Research Handbook (July 1965)

Guidelines and Review Procedures: National Park Service Scientific Monograph Series (undated)

Superintendent's Annual Reports, Death Valley National Monument: 1933 • 1934 • 1935 • 1938 • 1940

Superintendent's Monthly Reports, Death Valley National Monument: October 1934 • March 1935 • July 1937 • August 1937 • April 1939

Superintendent's Annual Narrative Reports, Everglades National Park: 1981 • 1982 • 1983 • 1984 • 1985 • 1986 (incomplete) • 1987 (incomplete)

Superintendent's Annual Report, South Florida Research Center: 1987

Report on Antelope Creek Buffalo Pasture (Rudolf L. Grimm, 1938)

A Suggested Plan for Controlling Destructive Bears (Francis D. LaNoue, March 4, 1933)

Status of Grizzly Bears within the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (August 17, 1982)

Final Reduction Report: 1961-62, Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd (Robert E. Howe, May 17, 1962)

Management Status of Northern Elk Herd, Yellowstone National Park / Long-Range Management Plan for the Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd / 1960-61 Reduction Plan for Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd (November-December 1960)

The Concept of Overgrazing and Its Application to Yellowstone's Northern Range (Michael B. Coughenour and Francis J. Singer, 1991)

Elk on Yellowstone's Northern Range: Science, Management, and Controversy, 1900-1980 (James Pritchard, August 29, 1994)

Interim Report: Yellowstone National Park Northern Range Research (April 1992)

Wildlife Conservation in Yellowstone National Park: Special Report (August 18, 1944)

Report on the Present Status of Wildlife Management in Yellowstone National Park with Suggested Recommendations for Future Treatment (Frank W. Childs, April 19, 1935)

The Documentary Record of Wolves and Related Wildlife Species in the Yellowstone National Park Area Prior to 1882 (Paul Schullery and Leet Whittlesey, 1992)

Quantification of Microplastics on National Park Beaches: 06/01/2015-05/31/2017 (Stefanie L. Whitmire and Skip J. Van Bloem, 2018)

Bandelier National Monument

Archeological Assessment of Bandlier National Monument (C. Britt Bousman, Paul Larson and Frances Levine, April 1974)

Bandelier National Monument Cultural Landscape Report for CCC National Historic Landmark Historic District: Part I, Part II and Site Furnishing Guidelines(April 2015)

Bandelier National Monument CCC Historic District National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form (Laura Soulliere Harrison, 1985)

Excavations at Rainbow House, Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico (Louis R. Caywood, January 1966)

Fire Ecology at Bandelier National Monument Final Report (Teralene S. Foxx and Loren D. Potter, February 15, 1978)

A Flora of Bandelier National Monument (Brian F. Jacobs, March 14, 1989)

The La Mesa Fire: Studies and Observations from 1975 through 2012 (Teralene S. Foxx, Leslie A. Hansen, Rebecca Oertel, Colin Haffey and Kay Beeley, June 19, 2013)

The 1977 La Mesa Fire Study: An Investigation of Fire and Fire Suppression Impact on Cultural Resources in Bandelier National Monument Southwest Cultural Resources Center Professional Paper No. 28 (Diane Traylor, Lyndi Hubbell, Nancy Wood and Barbara Fiedler, 1990)

The Pajarito Plateau: A Bibliography Southwest Cultural Resources Center Professional Paper No. 49 (Frances Joan Mathien, Charlie R. Steen and Craig D. Allen, 1993)

The Archaeology of a "Destroyed" Site: Surface Survey and Historical Documents at the Civilian Conservation Corps Camp, Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico Contributions of the Bandelier Archeological Survey No. 10 (Monica L. Smith, Historical Archaeology35(2):31-40, 2001)

Reptiles and Amphibians of Bandelier National Monument (undated)

Resources Management Plan and Environmental Assessment for Bandelier National Monument (1988)

Historical and Modern Disturbance Regimes of Piñon-Juniper Vegetation in the Western U.S. (William Romme, Craig Allen, John Bailey, William Baker, Brandon Bestelmeyer, Peter Brown, Karen Eisenhart, Lisa Floyd-Hanna, David Huffman, Brian Jacobs, Richard Miller, Esteban Muldavin, Thomas Swetnam, Robin Tausch and Peter Weisberg, May 2007)

Conflict on the Pajarito: Frank Pinkley, the Forest Service, and the Bandelier Controversy, 1925-32 (Hal Rothman, extract from Journal of Forest History, v. 29, no. 2, April 1985, ©Forest History Society, all rights reserved)

Water Resources Foundation Report, Bandelier National Monument NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NRPC/WRD/NRTR-2007/060 (Don Weeks, October 2007)

Resource Briefs:

     Acoustic Environment and Soundscape (undated)

     Recent Climate Change Exposure of Bandelier National Monument (July 24, 2014)

     Night Skies and Photic Environment (undated)

Archeological Investigations in Cochiti Reservoir, New Mexico, Volume 1: A Survey of Regional Variability (Jan V. Biella and Richard C. Chapman, eds., 1977)

An Assessment of Cultural Resources in Cochiti Reservoir (Jan V. Biella and Richard Chapman, November 1975)

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Addicks Cabin and Adamless Eden Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Joseph K. Oppermann-Architect, September 2010)

Appalachian Clubhouse Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Joseph K. Oppermann-Architect, February 17, 2009)

Baumann Cabin Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (The Jaeger Company, March 2016)

Environmental Monitoring and Baseline Data Management Strategies and the Focus of Future Research in Great Smoky Mountains National Park NPS Southeast Region Research/Resources Management Report SER-76 (John D. Peine, Charlotte Pyle and Peter S. White, May 1985)

Historic Resource Study, Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Volume 1 (April 2016)

Historic Resource Study, Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Volume 2 (April 2016)

Briefing Statements:

     Air Quality Issues (April 26, 2010)

     All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (January 25, 2005)

     Cades Cove Transportation and Development Planning (February 10, 2004)

     Consideration of Proposed Cell Phone Towers (January 27, 2010)

     Experimental Elk Release (September 25, 2007)

     Future Management of Elkmont Historic District (July 26, 2005)

     Future Management of Elkmont Historic District (January 27, 2010)

     Non-native Wild Hog Control (February 2003)

     North Shore Road Monetary Settlement (March 15, 2010)

     Response to Exotic Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infestation (January 28, 2004)

     Summary of Forest Insect and Disease Impacts (August 2010)

Cades Cove Planning:

     Cades Cove Planning Project News Issue No. 2 (July 2002)

     Cades Cove Planning Project News Issue No. 4 (March/April 2003)

     Cades Cove Planning Newsletter (Vol. 1 Issue 1, Spring 2005)

Cain Cabin Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Joseph K. Oppermann-Architect, September 2014)

Chapman-Byers Cabin Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Joseph K. Oppermann-Architect, February 17, 2009)

Comphrensive Resource Education Plan, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (January 2001)

Cook Cabin Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (The Jaeger Company, March 2016)

Creekmore Cabin Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Joseph K. Oppermann-Architect, September 2014)

Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Cable Mill, Great Smoky Mountains NP - Cades Cove Subdistrict (1998)

Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Cades Cove Landscape, Great Smoky Mountains NP - Cades Cove Subdistrict (1998)

Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Cades Cove Valley Floor, Great Smoky Mountains NP - Cades Cove Subdistrict (1998)

Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Carter Shields Homestead, Great Smoky Mountains NP - Cades Cove Subdistrict (1998)

Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Elijah Oliver Homestead, Great Smoky Mountains NP - Cades Cove Subdistrict (1998)

Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Henry Whitehead Homestead, Great Smoky Mountains NP - Cades Cove Subdistrict (1998)

Cultural Landscapes Inventory, John and Lucretia Oliver Homestead, Great Smoky Mountains NP - Cades Cove Subdistrict (1998)

Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Methodist Church and Cemetery, Great Smoky Mountains NP - Cades Cove Subdistrict (1998)

Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Methodist Baptist Church and Cemetery, Great Smoky Mountains NP - Cades Cove Subdistrict (1998)

Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Peter Cable and Dan Lawson Homestead, Great Smoky Mountains NP - Cades Cove Subdistrict (1998)

Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Primitive Baptist Church and Cemetery, Great Smoky Mountains NP - Cades Cove Subdistrict (1998)

Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Tipton-Oliver Homestead, Great Smoky Mountains NP - Cades Cove Subdistrict (1998)

Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Voorheis Estate (Twin Creeks), Great Smoky Mountains NP - North District (1998)

Environmental Assessment for the Establishment of Elk (Cervus elaphus) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (2010)

Environmental Assessment of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Control Strategies in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Dana Soehn, Glenn Taylor, Tom Remaley and Kristine Johnson, October 4, 2005)

Elkmont Historic District:

     Elkmont Historic District Final Environmental Impact Statement and General Management Plan Amendment: Volume 1 (February 2009)

     Elkmont Historic District Final Environmental Impact Statement and General Management Plan Amendment: Volume 2 (February 2009)

     Elkmont Historic District Project News Issue No. 1 (May 2002)

     Elkmont Historic District Project News Issue No. 2 (September 2002)

     Elkmont Historic District Project News Issue No. 3 (February 2003)

     Elkmont Historic District Project News Issue No. 4 (March 2004)

     Elkmont Historic District Project News Issue No. 5 (February 2006)

The Foothills Parkway: Completing the "Missing Link" (2013)

Galyon Cabin Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (The Jaeger Company, March 2016)

Hale Cabin Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (The Jaeger Company, March 2016)

Higdon Cabin Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Joseph K. Oppermann-Architect, August 2015)

May Cabin and Mayo Servants' Quarters Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Joseph K. Oppermann-Architect, September 2010)

North Shore Road:

     Agreement of Transfer Between Tennessee Valley Authority and United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service Relating To Lands in Swain County, North Carolina: Exhibit B (July 30, 1943)

     Major Management Issues/Decisions (April 9, 2002)

     Cultural Resources Existing Conditions Report, North Shore Road Environment Impact Statement, Swan and Graham Counties, North Carolina Final Report (Paul A. Webb, TRC Garrow Associates, Inc., January 2004)

     North Shore Road, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Updates to the November 2005 Document (undated)

     North Shore Road, Draft Environmenal Impact Statement: Volume 1 (November 2005)

     Existing Conditions Rpoort, North Shore Road Environmental Impact Statement, Swain County, North Carolina (January 2004)

     Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the North Shore Road in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Federal Register, Vol. 68 No. 79, Thursday, April 24, 2003)

     Memorandum of Agreement of July 30, 1943

     Memorandum of Agreement Relating to Non-Construction of North Shore Road (2010)

National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation Form, Historic Resources of Great Smoky Mountains National Park (2016)

Cherokee Orchard Road-Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail Roadway Improvements/Environmental Impact Statement Newsletter (December 2006)

Scruggs-Briscoe Cabin Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (The Jaeger Company, March 2016)

Smith Cabin Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Joseph K. Oppermann-Architect, September 2014)

Sneed Cabin Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Joseph K. Oppermann-Architect, August 2015)

Spence Cabin Historic Structure Report, Elkmont Historic District, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Joseph K. Oppermann-Architect, February 17, 2009)

Stategic Plan, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (October 1, 2005 - September 30, 2008)

Stategic Plan, Great Smoky Mountains National Park (October 1, 2008 - September 30, 2012)

The Mother Lode (Kurt Repanshek, extract from Audubon, July-August 2010)

Visitor Studies, Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Summer and Fall 1996 Visitor Services Project Report 92 (July 1997)

Written Historical and Descriptive Data, Photographs, Measured and Interpretive Drawings: Great Smoky Mountains National Park Roads & BridgesHAER No. TN-35 (undated)

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Thanks to whoever put this together (Harry?)!

And once again, thanks to Harry for


Thank you. It was a pleasure to help people know of all the work Dick Sellars did over his National Park Service career. 



What a wonderful tribute and bibliography! Does anyone (Harry?) know if someone is going to try to complete his MS on cultural resource management? 

A belated acknowledgement.

Richard was disciplined, focused, productive. All he did was admirable.

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