Should a boat 20 feet in length be assessed the same annual fee for plying the waters of Lake Powell at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area as a boat approaching 100 feet in length? The National Park Service doesn't think so and is proposing a sliding fee scale based on the length of a boat and is seeking public comment on that proposal.
Currently, all boats, regardless of size, are charged $50 for an annual pass to the reservoir. Under the proposed scale, a boat 26 feet long or less would be charged $60 for the pass, a boat 27-40 feet would be charged $100, and one 101 feet or more in length would be charged $1,600.
The proposal also involves weekly boat fees.
Park staff say the proposed Tiered Boat Pass fee would better reflect costs associated with the needs of vessels utilizing Lake Powell. If approved, the fee schedule would raise an estimated $731,625 that would be used to address deferred maintenance needs in the NRA's many locations that support boaters on Lake Powell.
The increase in revenue for the park will help with infrastructure repair and improvements in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:
• Infrastructure repairs/improvements that are directly tied to usage.
• Repair of impacts caused by houseboat pin anchoring.
• Utility impacts/improvements (Water and Wastewater systems).
• Support for parkwide interpretive programs.
• Support of the Emergency Services and Response program.
• Support for additional launch ramps and/or extensions of courtesy ramps. amps.
• Support for the replacement and repair of courtesy docks.
Public comments are being accepted through October 6, and there will be an open house on September 20 from 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Arizona time, at the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Park Headquarters; at 691 Scenic View 691 Scenic View Drive; Page, Arizona 86040. You can learn more about the proposal and leave comments at this page.