The church under a starry sky/NPS, Stan Ford
Having explored parts of Pecos National Historical Park in New Mexico in daylight, I can only imagine how fascinating it must be under moonlight and starlight. And were it not 650 miles away, I would make plans to experience Pecos Pueblo under the light of a full moon, or during a star gazer's event with telescopes and binoculars.
This coming Saturday, September 30, park staff will be leading an evening guided hike of the Ancestral Sites Trail to discuss seasons, stories, and archeoastronomy. Park entrance gates will be open to reservation holders at 6:30 p.m. and will close at 7 p.m. The walk will conclude at approximately 8:30 p.m.
On Saturday, October 7, park staff and volunteers from the Santa Fe Stargazers will bring out telescopes and binoculars to gaze at the stars and check out deep-sky objects. Visitors are also invited to bring their own telescopes and spotting scopes to explore the night skies. Park entrance gates will be open to reservation holders at 6 p.m. and will close at 7 p.m. After 7 p.m., no further entry will be permitted. The event will wrap up at 8 p.m.
Advance reservations are required for both events, and space is limited.
Reservations may be made by calling 505-757-7241. Both events are weather-dependent, and red-bulb flashlights and appropriate clothing are strongly recommended.
Note that, due to limited capacity, Pecos will not be hosting any special programming for the annular eclipse on Saturday, October 14. If parking is full, park gates will be temporarily closed. Check local organization, museum, and city websites for more information about eclipse events in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Los Alamos, and beyond.
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