Green Gables Heritage Site in Prince Edward Island preserves the place that inspired Lucy Maud Montgomery’s classic tale of fiction, Anne of Green Gables/Parks Canada
The first stand-alone management plan for Green Gables Heritage Place has been approved as the site enters an integral milestone in its history — 2024 will mark the 150th birthday of beloved author Lucy Maud Montgomery.
Previously, Green Gables was included in the larger management plan for Prince Edward Island National Park. Located in Cavendish, it has become famous around the world as the inspiration for the setting in Montgomery’s classic tale of fiction, Anne of Green Gables.
“Green Gables Heritage Place is a site of international significance and has been drawing visitors to Cavendish, PEI for more than 80 years,” Heath MacDonald, Member of Parliament for Malpeque, Prince Edward Island, said in a news release.
The plan targets are outlined within three key strategies that will help guide the vision of the visitor experience of the site, the management of natural and cultural resources, and continued collaboration of partners, stakeholders and first nation communities.

This visitor center for Green Gables Heritage Place was completed in 2019/Parks Canada
Key strategy one is defined as “the scope of visitation” and describes an objective and targets that will increase awareness of the unique identity of the place. It provides direction related to meeting the needs of visitors and maintaining the condition of the site following recent significant investments. Objectives focus on maintaining cultural resources to support visitor experience and ensuring visitor experiences, infrastructure and facilities are varied and accessible.
The second key strategy — “the pleasant ache of nature” — supports the protection of nature as an important part of the site’s cultural landscape and the experience of visitors. “Through increased understanding, maintenance and restoration, the natural environment will be protected and more greatly appreciated by visitors,” the plan says.
The third key strategy — “working with kindred spirits” — focuses on continued work with partners and stakeholders to promote the site and reach potential visitors with appropriate messaging. Objectives focus on collaboration with the Mi’kmaq in PEI, cultural groups, tourism partners and locals.
L.M. Montgomery’s Cavendish National Historic Site includes both Green Gables Heritage Place and the Site of L.M. Montgomery’s Cavendish Home, which is privately owned and operated.
Green Gables Heritage Place will be commemorating this historic milestone throughout this 150th birthday year. It completed a site development project in 2019 that included a new visitor center, upgraded parking lot design, updated interpretive elements and a new gift shop and café. The center was designed for energy efficiency and functionality that match the high levels of visitation of the site.
Set to be renewed every 10 years, management plans are a requirement of the Parks Canada Agency Act and guide the management of national historic sites, national parks and national marine conservation areas.