While fall is my favorite season for visiting national parks, it's too short. We're just entering the season and already season-closing releases are being issued by some of the parks.
In Grand Teton National Park, the Lizard Creek Campground's last day is today, and the Flagg Ranch Information Station also is being shuttered.
The following list reflects the closing dates that will occur in Grand Teton during September and October.
Lizard Creek...........................................September 6......(Noon)
Flagg Ranch............................................September 26.....(Noon)
Colter Bay Ranger Stations and Visitor Centers.........September 27.....(11 am)
Flagg Ranch Information Station........................September 6......(Noon)
Jenny Lake Ranger Station..............................September 19.....(5 pm)
Jenny Lake Visitor Center..............................September 26.....(4:30 pm)
Laurance Rockefeller Preserve Center...................September 26.....(5 pm)
Jenny Lake.............................................October 3........(11 am)
Gros Ventre............................................October 8........(11 am)
Signal Mountain Ranger Stations and Visitor Centers....October 17.......(11 am)
Colter Bay Visitor Center..............................October 11.......(5 pm)
Entrance Stations
Granite Canyon.........................................October 31.......(5 pm)
Moose..................................................October 31.......(5 pm)
Moran..................................................October 31.......(5 pm)
Road Closures
Moose-Wilson Road......................................October 31.......(evening)
Teton Park Road........................................October 31.......(evening)
Colter Bay Village.....................................September 26.....(11 am)
Flagg Ranch............................................September 26.....(Noon)
Jackson Lake Lodge.....................................October 3........(11 am)
Triangle X Ranch.......................................October 9
Jenny Lake Lodge.......................................October 10.......(Noon)
Signal Mountain Lodge..................................October 17.......(11 am)
For detailed information on facility closures, please phone 307-739-3300, or consult the park’s newspaper, Teewinot, online at www.nps.gov. The winter operation schedule will be announced in December.
Grand Canyon's North Rim will shut down all food and lodging after the morning of Oct 16th. After that the visitor center and first come first serve campground will be open until the end of November, unless the snow flies first. Then closed until May 15, 2011.