Fall brings so much to the national parks, with changing colors blanketing the landscapes, visitor loads dropping, and wildlife on the move, both for migration and, for some, the annual rut. And that rut can make wildlife such as elk, moose, and bison unpredictable and especially dangerous to park visitors who wander too close to these big animals.
At Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming this week rangers had to put down a cow moose that had injured a leg while trying to get away from both campers and a bull. According to park spokeswoman Jackie Skaggs, the cow nearly severed her hind leg when she ran into a fire grate ion the Gros Ventre Campground while trying to get away. Park rangers were forced to euthanize the cow moose due to the severity of her leg injury. Her calf was not injured during the commotion. While moose calves orphaned at this age can survive on their own, their probability of survival is somewhat reduced, according to park biologists.
With hopes of minimizing future conflicts, rangers have posted signs in the campground urging people to keep their distance from moose, consolidating available campsites within a few campground loops, and increasing patrols to protect campers, wildlife viewers, and several moose that are currently using campground areas during their fall rut.
Although the behavior of a single bull moose during its mating season was a contributing factor in the ill-fated death of the female moose Wednesday, park officials say "the concentration of people approaching and crowding around these animals has caused them to become overly agitated and consequently a safety concern. When provoked, bull moose and other animals will sometimes charge. Recent reports indicate that people have been charged by moose on numerous occasions throughout the Gros Ventre campground, as a result of their close approach."
Wildlife viewing is a favorite activity in Grand Teton, especially during the fall when animals exhibit interesting seasonal behavior. Because many people have approached wildlife too closely in their attempt to photograph a particular animal(s), park rangers will step up their patrols, including the use of ‘plain clothes’ patrols, and cite anyone who does not maintain the appropriate distance. Park regulations state that people must keep a distance of 25 yards from moose and 100 yards from bears—and may not harass or alter the behavior of wildlife, regardless of distance. While 25 yards is the minimum distance to maintain from moose, rangers recommend staying at least 100 yards away from bull moose during the rut.
Park biologists also remind all visitors that fall is a stressful time when wildlife must preserve energy to survive the winter. Allowing wildlife the space they require for both seasonal movements and activities is especially important this time of year.
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