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Winter at Dinosaur National Monument: Bring Your Snowshoes and Cross-country Skis

It's certainly true that travel schedules and seasonal weather patterns dictate that the heaviest traffic flows to national parks come during the summer months. But that doesn't mean there's nothing to do in the parks in winter. At Dinosaur National Monument, for instance, a park that showcases geology, paleontology, and rivers in summer, winter brings opportunities for snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and even snowmobiling.

Officials at Lassen Volcanic National Park Proposing Work for Lassen Peak Trail

The trail to the top of Lassen Peak in Lassen Volcanic National Park is in need of work to improve safety, install turnouts along the 2.5-mile path, and add a new trailside toilet. Plus, the park is proposing a trail to connect the Manzanita Creek Trail to the Lassen Peak Trail.
Image icon Lassen_Peak_Trail_EA.pdf

Dropping Temperatures, Wet Roads Cause Accidents Involving Roughly 40 Cars at Grand Canyon National Park

A trip to a national park normally lets you leave stress and worry behind, but when falling temperatures combined with light snow at Grand Canyon National Park the conditions produced slick roads that led to a number of accidents involving roughly 40 vehicles, including one that came close to sliding off into the abyss.