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Sunday On National Parks Traveler's Podcast: Footprints In Time

As you walk through the white gyp-sum sands of White Sands National Park in southern New Mexico, your footprints will likely be quickly erased by shifting winds. So it’s somewhat of a phenomenon of nature that the oldest footprints ever discovered in North America are not only found here – in perfect form, having withstood time and weather, but show that ancient humans lived here much earlier than previously believed.

New Superintendent of Appalachian Trail Has Record Of Fiscal Misconduct

Just five years after an Interior Department investigation determined then-Gettysburg National Military Park Superintendent Ed Clark had "committed criminal violations by submitting false travel vouchers and by accepting more than $23,000 in meals, lodging, and other in-kind gifts from non-Government organizations," he has been appointed superintendent of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail.