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NPS Issues Prospectus For Olympic National Park’s Log Cabin Resort

The National Park Service recently solicited proposals for the operation of Log Cabin Resort in Olympic National Park. The contract includes management of the lodge and cabins, food service for a dining room and soda fountain, retail services, boat rentals, and operation of a campground for RVs and tents.

Around The Parks: Fireflies In The Smokies, Family Days Along The C&O Canal, Hiking In Acadia, Visitor Center Hours At Voyageurs

Summer can't be far off, as the fireflies will be flashing soon in the Smokies, family days are scheduled at the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park, a hiking adventure will be offered at Acadia National Park, and visitor hours at Voyageurs National Park are shortened a bit due to sequestration.

Wood Stove Decathlon Coming To National Mall In November

Wood stoves are great generators of heat, but some are not the most efficient in terms of dispersing that heat and when it comes to generation of particulate matter and smoke. To improve on that efficiency, the Wood Stove Decathlon will be coming to the National Mall this fall to see who can design and build the most innovative and affordable next generation wood stove.

New Organization Rises Up To Warn About Energy Exploration Impacts On National Parks

As the country endeavors to become more and more energy independent, new techniques for extracting oil and gas from beneath the landscape are greatly expanding the footprint of energy exploration in the country. These efforts have greatly increased the production of oil and natural gas in the United States, and they also are creating problems when the drilling operations turn up on the doorsteps of national parks.