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Yellowstone National Park Staffer Blends Armed Forces Veteran With Park Service Career

These days Dan Hottle works in the public affairs office at Yellowstone National Park. But prior to his Park Service career, he was a Marine on active duty in the Middle East. Join him in honoring other armed forces veterans in the national parks during the Veterans Day Weekend.

Reader Participation Day: Which Movie That Incorporates A National Park Setting Is Your Favorite?

National parks have served as backdrops for countless movies. Death Valley National Park played a role in Star Wars, Mount Rushmore National Memorial, of course, was prominently featured in North by Northwest, and Thelma & Louise drove through parts of Canyonlands National Park. Which movie, with a national park in a cameo role, is your favorite?

Postcard From The Backbone Of The Continent: Days Of Discovery At Glacier National Park

My heart nearly stopped when I received the internship offer from the lead interpretive ranger at Glacier National Park. My first question, of course, was “Where’s that?” As a Floridian, I had never heard of this Glacier and could not believe I would be heading to Montana.