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National Parks Road Trip 2010: Return to the Missouri Headwaters

Greetings from Great Falls, Montana, where the Corps of Discovery encountered five large waterfalls on the Missouri River that delayed by several weeks their trip to the Pacific Ocean. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark had expected a single falls they would be able to portage in a day. Rather, they found five significant falls that required nearly two weeks of backbreaking toil.

Learn About Restoration of Herring River at Cape Cod National Seashore

For more than a century the Herring River, which flows through Cape Cod National Seashore, has struggled ecologically due to a dike built to keep mosquitoes from breeding in the surrounding salt water marsh. Now a collaborative effort is under way to restore the ecosystem.
Image icon CACO-Herring River Restoration.pdf

Public Input Sought for the Bodie Island Alternative Transportation Study at Cape Hatteras National Seashore

The National Park Service is soliciting input on proposed alternative transportation strategies developed for Bodie Island at Cape Hatteras National Seashore. A public meeting has been scheduled for August 4. Written comments should be submitted by August 19.