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Interior Officials Studying What Must Close, What Might Remain Open, Under A "Lapse Of Appropriations"

While most eyes in government are on Congress and how it handles the ongoing debt crisis, some Interior Department officials are studying what options they have if a "lapse in appropriations" arrives at midnight September 30.

Traversing The Range Of Light: 24 Days On The John Muir Trail

High among the pinnacles of Mt. Whitney’s sheer western face, we hiked upward with measured breath and watched from our shifting, precarious vantage as the sun’s first light peeled back the long gown of night, revealing the contours of so many miles we’d recently walked, cragged mountain faces and clear sky aglow in lakes like mirrors, far below.

Proposed Project To Move Water From California Desert Raises Concerns For Nearby Parks

A plan to pump groundwater from beneath the desert and send it to thirsty cities in southern California has attracted a rather unusual group of opponents, including a Republican Congressman, a Democratic Senator, conservation groups, a mining company, a labor union and ranchers. Now the latest wrinkle in the debate involves a proposal for steam train excursion trips into the Mohave Desert.