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Pruning the Parks: North Dakota’s Sullys Hill National Park (1904-1931)

Using authority granted by Congress on April 27, 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed Sullys Hill Park, a hilly tract of woods and wetlands in North Dakota that was named for a hill that was named for a general who didn’t show up. The park, which turned out to be pretty much of a no-show too, was delisted in 1931 and re-purposed as a wildlife refuge.

Cape Cod National Seashore Officials Revisit Plan To Kill Crows To Help Piping Plovers

Cape Cod National Seashore officials, who earlier this year were proposing to kill crows in an effort to protect piping plovers, are backing away from the plan due to the prospective of being sued over the matter. Instead the seashore will spend this year reviewing its shorebird management plan.