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Bobcat Turns Charred Oak Tree At Santa Monica Mountains NRA Into Nursery

While the Woolsey Fire that swept through Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area back in 2018 charred much of the landscape, not all was entirely destroyed, and in fact has provided shelter for a pregnant bobcat. Park staff say a bobcat that was fitted with a radio collar more than a year after the fire turned a charred oak tree into a nursery for her three kittens.

Memorial Day Features Low Water Levels For Lake Powell Boaters

With the summer season already underway at Lake Powell in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, boaters can expect crowds, especially when it comes to launching their boats and then pulling them out of the lake. Those crowds will be greater this Memorial Day Weekend because low water levels in the lake are limiting ramps for boaters.

National Parks Traveler Checklist: Petrified Forest National Park

Imagine walking along a trail scattered with sections of silicified logs splashed brilliant shades of red, orange, yellow, white, and purple. Imagine being surrounded by mesas of candy-striped blue, purple, and beige sediment layers. Imagine gazing out upon a red-, orange-, and yellow-painted badlands right next to an interstate highway. This fossil feast of color for the eyes is what you’ll see when you visit Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona, located just off of Interstate 40. The Traveler’s Checklist can help you plan your trip and make the most of your time exploring the park.