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National Park Foundation Helps Fund Eradication of Russian-Olive in Utah

Russian-olive can be an interesting addition to your landscape, with its dense coat of silvery leaves, bright yellow flowers, and relatively compact stature. But it also is a non-native tree that can overwhelm native vegetation, hog water, and disrupt nutrient cycles. In Utah, the National Park Foundation is helping combat this invasive by providing funding to a coalition trying to eradicate Russian-olive from public lands in the southern part of the state.

Is There A Turf Battle Brewing Between National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service Over Oregon Caves NM Expansion?

A turf battle could be brewing between the National Park Service and the U.S. Forest Service over how best to manage a proposed expansion to Oregon Caves National Monument, a move that would increase the monument's footprint almost tenfold by acquiring land within the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest.

Lawsuit Aims to Halt Uranium Mine Near Grand Canyon National Park

A group has gone to court to halt the development of a uranium mine within 10 miles of Grand Canyon National Park. Filed on behalf of the Center for Biological Diversity, the Grand Canyon Trust, and the Sierra Club, the lawsuit claims the U.S. Bureau of Land Management failed to update environmental reviews and mining plans before approving the project.
Image icon Uranium_lawsuit.pdf