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National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis Puts Priorities on Workforce, Relevancy, Stewardship and Education

Jon Jarvis, having been waiting in the wings for months, not surprisingly comes to the directorship of the National Park Service with a set of priorities that revolve around his employees, relevancy of the national parks, stewardship of their natural, cultural, and historical resources, and public education.

Would Free "Loaner" Personal Locator Beacons Save Lives and Money in Parks?

There are plenty of remote locations in parks where you can't call 911 when trouble strikes. There's been some lively discussion on the Traveler on the pros and cons of various electronic devices that can summon help in the backcountry, so here's an idea from two national parks in Australia: loaning personal locator beacons to backpackers—free of charge.

The "Guide's Guide to Acadia National Park" is the Insider's Handbook for the Area

Have you ever marveled at the impressive amount of information about a park that's dispensed by tour guides and similar people in the travel industry? Acquiring all that knowledge is a big job, but Acadia National Park has made it easier by compiling a wealth of information on a single website. You're welcome to use it, too.