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Around The Parks: Fireflies In The Smokies, Family Days Along The C&O Canal, Hiking In Acadia, Visitor Center Hours At Voyageurs

Summer can't be far off, as the fireflies will be flashing soon in the Smokies, family days are scheduled at the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park, a hiking adventure will be offered at Acadia National Park, and visitor hours at Voyageurs National Park are shortened a bit due to sequestration.

Wood Stove Decathlon Coming To National Mall In November

Wood stoves are great generators of heat, but some are not the most efficient in terms of dispersing that heat and when it comes to generation of particulate matter and smoke. To improve on that efficiency, the Wood Stove Decathlon will be coming to the National Mall this fall to see who can design and build the most innovative and affordable next generation wood stove.

New Organization Rises Up To Warn About Energy Exploration Impacts On National Parks

As the country endeavors to become more and more energy independent, new techniques for extracting oil and gas from beneath the landscape are greatly expanding the footprint of energy exploration in the country. These efforts have greatly increased the production of oil and natural gas in the United States, and they also are creating problems when the drilling operations turn up on the doorsteps of national parks.

Letters Show Environmental Action Committee Of West Marin Opposed Extension Of Oyster Farm Lease At Point Reyes

Letters from 2005 show that the Environmental Action Committee of West Marin opposed an extension beyond 2012 of the Drakes Bay Oyster Co. lease at Point Reyes National Seashore, contrary to claims made by the company's owner.
Image icon EAC-Neubacher 1.doc Image icon EAC-Neubacher 2.doc Image icon EAC-Rep. Woolsey.doc

American Recreation Coalition Critical Of Yosemite Valley Plan

Yosemite Valley can feel like a bustling town at times, with traffic jams, wailing emergency sirens, and tour buses and tractor-trailer trucks snaking along the roads. While Yosemite National Park planners are trying to better manage some of that crowding, the American Recreation Coalition fears they're going too far and threatening the visitor experience.

Essential Friends + Gateways: Trust For the National Mall, New Efforts To Save Our Icons

The term “national park” has a kneejerk meaning to many—only the clued-in know how diverse “units” of the park system really are. Towering Half Dome in Yosemite National Park isn’t the only grand granite monument protected by the National Park Service—and you don’t even need to look beyond the borders of Washington, D.C., to prove it.

Dedication Ceremony For New Bright Angel Trailhead At Grand Canyon National Park On May 18

Hikers who are beginning or ending a trip on the Bright Angel Trail at the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park can soon do so in a much more pleasant and attractive setting. A dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony will be held for a new trailhead at 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 18, 2013.