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National Park Service To Withdraw Proposal To Revise Regulations Governing The National Register Of Historic Places

In response to more than 3,200 comments received from the public and valued preservation partners, the National Park Service announced it is withdrawing its March 2019 proposal to revise regulations governing the listing of properties in the National Register of Historic Places.

Cane River Coffee And Conversation Open House

Cane River Creole National Historical Park and Cane River National Heritage Area invite the public to a coffee and conversation open house next Saturday, June 12, 2021, from 8:00 am to 11:00 am at the Texas & Pacific Railway Depot (Depot) located at 607 Trudeau Street. Visitors to the open house are encouraged to share their stories and tour the Texas and Pacific Railway Depot in Natchitoches, Louisiana. In addition, contractors will be on hand to record memories and identify key themes from the Depot's past.

Devils Postpile National Monument Mulling Wastewater Treatment System

Devils Postpile National Monument is looking for public comment regarding the release of the park's Wastewater Treatment System Replacement EA. Not only will this project test and install equipment for the park's wastewater system, but will also replace and upgrade parts of the comfort stations and vault toilets around the area.

Around The Parks: Excessive Heat, Record Visitation, Road And Bridge Maintenance, And Dark Sky Certification

There's quite a bit of news going on in the National Park System. The Memorial Day weekend brought record visitation numbers and the month of June is heating things up for some national parks like Grand Canyon, while others, like Mount Rainier National Park, remain buried beneath several feet of snow in places. With the snow melting, road and bridge maintnenance in and around some park units is starting up, creating delays and closures for visitors. And a huge congratulations goes to Zion National Park for its certification as the latest International Dark Sky Park.

National Parks Traveler Checklist: Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park

During your visit to Hawaii’s Big Island, why not spend a little time at Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, where you can hike through a rain forest and over a solidified lava lake, drive past golden pahoehoe lava flows, and view up-close the goddess Pele’s home. This Traveler’s Checklist will help you plan for your visit to make the most of your time in the park.

"Living Shoreline" Being Installed At Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge In Gateway National Recreation Area

More than eight years after Superstorm Sandy drenched and rearranged parts of Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge at Gateway National Recreation Area work is underway to create a resilient "living shoreline" that should better stand up to future storms.