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Upon Further Review: Ill-Advised Swim Leads to Rescue at Dinosaur National Monument

Summer is here and warmer weather has arrived in most parts of the country. For many park visitors that prompts the desire to go for a swim, but taking a dip isn't always a good idea. A recent "not so excellent adventure" at Dinosaur National Monument led to two rescue attempts, and the first effort nearly ended in disaster.

List of Top 10 Endangered Rivers Includes Two That Flow Through The National Park System

American Rivers came out there other day with its top 10 list of endangered rivers, and No. 1 was the Upper Delaware, which flows through the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River. No. 3 also falls in the National Park System, the Gauley River around which the Gauley River National Recreation Area rises up from.

As Oil Comes Ashore at Gulf Islands National Seashore, Republican Calls for Renewed Drilling Along Outer Continental Shelf

More oil was coming ashore Friday in parts of Gulf Islands National Seashore, with tar balls several inches in diameter seen near Fort Pickens on Santa Rosa Island. In Washington, D.C., meanwhile, a top Republican was calling for the Obama administration to lift the moratorium on off-shore drilling.