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National Park Service Corps Programs Benefit From National Park Foundation Investment

Myriad programs addressing everything from climate-change impacts in the National Park System to trail building and environmental stewardship are gaining traction through $4.1 million in grants from the National Park Foundation.
PDF icon service_corps_grantee_list_2022.pdf

Summer Of '22 Expected To Be Smoky In Western National Parks

It took only a handful or two of days between the disappearance of snow in the Santa Fe National Forest and the start of the Cerro Pelado fire, a growing blaze that has intruded into two units of the National Park System in New Mexico in an early season signal that the coming summer months will be smoky in many parts of the park system west of the Rockies.

Mount Rainier Lahars – They Can’t Be Predicted, But They Can Be Simulated

Mudflow (aka lahar) damage can be costly and even deadly to the populace living along river drainage systems within and outside of Mount Rainier National Park. Lahars cannot be predicted, but USGS scientists and mathematicians have created scenarios demonstrating lahar speed, reach, and depth using a numerical simulation application called D-Claw.