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Road Proposal Stirs Controversy Along the Appalachian National Scenic Trail

In the spring of 1948, Pennsylvania native Earl Shaffer stumbled into Stecoah Gap on the Appalachian Trail, high above the Little Tennessee River in western North Carolina’s Graham County. “I must have been a pathetic figure,” he wrote later in his memoirs, “streaming with sweat, bleeding from scratches, every muscle aching, crawling endlessly in a back-slipping, bush-clutching struggle before coming out on top.”

Wayward Red-Necked Grebe Ends Up at Lake Powell in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Whether it finally had decided wintering in the arctic was just too much, or simply got blown off course, a Red-necked grebe found its way recently to Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, where attentive birders spotted it during the NRA's annual Christmas bird count.

Yellowstone Association Institute Opening New Campus Just Outside Yellowstone National Park

For years the Buffalo Ranch in Yellowstone National Park's Lamar Valley has been the field headquarters for the Yellowstone Association Institute. Well, the association is expanding with the opening later this year of an 80-acre campus north of the park near Gardiner, Montana.

Wanna Float Through Geologic History? Sale On For Utah Raft Trips Down Yampa, Green, And Colorado Rivers

Ever get the itch to take a float through the colorful landscape of Utah's canyon country? Well, the folks at Holiday Expeditions are offering a 20 percent-off sale on select trips through Dinosaur National Monument and Canyonlands National Park.